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Batteries Review: smart electric drive

Published on January 7th, 2014 | by Zachary Shahan


Review: smart electric drive

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January 7th, 2014 by Zachary Shahan 

Originally published on EV Obsession.

I recently got to test drive the “smart electric drive” at EVS27 in Barcelona. Below is my quick review of this super-affordable electric vehicle, as well as a few pictures.

smart electric

smart electric drive

smart electric drive car2go

First of all, it’s critical to note that the smart electric drive is much cheaper than the average car, or even the average electric car. After the US federal tax credit, the smart electric drive (ED) is $12,490 — not even half the price of the Ford Focus Electric ($27,700), and far less than the Nissan Leaf ($21,300), Fiat 500e ($24,300), or even Chevy Spark EV ($19,995). Actually, a few thousand dollars lower the Mitsubishi i ($15,495), it’s the cheapest electric car on the market in the US. However, there’s one big caveat — that’s the price without the battery. The battery seems to only be available for lease, for $80/month. If you assume you’d keep the car for 5 years, that brings the cost to $4,800 for the battery and $17,290 for the base model. If you assume 10-year ownership, the battery will cost you $9,600 and the entire price comes to $22,090. So, that brings the price of this two-seater above the price of the 5-seat Nissan Leaf and the 4-seat Chevy Spark EV, and well above the price of the 4-seat Mitsubishi i.

From my short experience driving the smart ED, I noticed several downsides of the smart ED compared to the Nissan Leaf, VW e-Up! (only available in Europe), and of course, BMW i3.

The smart ED acceleration, for example, was not as nice. It felt a bit like accelerating in a race cart. The pedal had more resistance and didn’t feel as comfortable as in the three cars above (or even the Renault Twizy). Nonetheless, the acceleration was quite good compared to a gasmobile, and very smooth compared to a gasmobile. (Even on the 0–60 MPH acceleration, the smart ED reportedly has a time of 11.5 seconds compared to its gas cousin’s time of 12.8 seconds.)

The interior of the smart ED was also clearly a step down from those other electric cars I tested. Everything was very basic on the interior. Also, of course, the smart ED only has two seats (the Leaf has 5, Ford Focus Electric 5, Chevy Spark EV 4, Mitsubishi i 4, Fiat 500e 4, BMW i3 4, VW e-Up! 5). As part of the simpler interior, the smart ED doesn’t have the fancy visualization screens that the Leaf, i3, and e-Up! have.

The smart ED does have two trump cards, of course. One is that the car can make extremely sharp turns. I had fun in my test car going in tiny circles like I’ve never done in any other car. This and the car’s small size also make for easy parking. The following is a pretty hilarious short video about this benefit:

Another benefit is some of the assurance you get from renting the battery for the smart ED instead of buying it, which many people may certainly prefer. From the smart ED website:

Our battery rental program doesn’t just make this the most affordable electric vehicle in America. It covers your annual battery maintenance costs for 10 years with no mileage limits. It guarantees your battery’s capacity level. And if you need a replacement battery during your rental term, it’s on us. It’s all included with Battery Assurance PlusSM, the plan developed with your peace of mind… in mind. We’ll wait while you absorb all that awesomeness.

Not bad.

Naturally, being a small, electric car, the smart ED has excellent fuel economy — 122 MPGe in the city, 93 MPGe on the highway, 107 MPGe combined. The car has a range of 68 miles on a full charge and uses a 17.6kWh battery.

If you’d like to read a review from an actual smart ED owner (yet a slightly more generic one), here’s a review from the first smart ED lessee:

My name is Mindy. I’m a PhD student, US Army Officer, wife, and mother to a 10-year-old boy. I’m also the first person in the America to lease the original smart electric drive. It’s been over two years and nearly 22,000 miles of unguzzled driving since then, and I must say it still makes me smile whenever I get in my smart electric drive.

It all started when I was returning to the US after doing a tour for the army in Baghdad. I knew I was going to buy a car once I got back, but didn’t know exactly what I wanted. During the flight, we flew over the Persian Gulf, and I saw oil platforms as far as the eye could see. The choice became very clear; electric car or nothing. From there, everything seemed to fall into place. Not too much later, I had the chance to test the first smart electric drive at a meeting of my local Electric Auto Association. I was instantly hooked. I had to have one.

Since the day it rolled into my driveway on January 26, 2011, I’ve had many wonderful adventures in my smart. I’ve driven in the Phoenix Electric Light Parade, a nighttime parade wherein we cover our cars with lights powered by the cars themselves. I’ve also participated in the Phoenix 100-Mile Challenge, twice. It’s a road “race” for electric cars that’s not so much about speed, but about efficiency. I came in second place last year, and this year I came in first place! I won the grand prize!

My smart electric drive has changed my perspective on many things. I used to hate driving and simply tolerated it because it was necessary. Now, I love driving. I always preferred a manual transmission car, and my smart electric drive gives me that control sensation without any gears. It’s just “go” and “go faster.” But most of all, I’m proud of the example I’m setting for my son; it’s possible to be environmentally friendly without losing out on fun. This is my first smart electric drive, and I’m confident it won’t be my last.

Mindy K. — Arizona

I’ve had other smart ED readers comment on my posts saying that they loved their vehicles. Seems like the smart ED is a good buy if you want a smaller car, but it’s hard to imagine a case in which it’s really a “better deal” than the Nissan Leaf, Chevy Spark EV, or Mitsubishi i.

Check out more of my EVS27 coverage here on EV Obsession or even more on CleanTechnica.

Image: available for re-use and even modification, as long as credit is provided (with links) to Zachary Shahan / EV ObsessionCleanTechnica. (CC BY-SA license)

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About the Author

spends most of his time here on CleanTechnica as the director/chief editor. Otherwise, he's probably enthusiastically fulfilling his duties as the director/editor of Solar Love, EV Obsession, Planetsave, or Bikocity. Zach is recognized globally as a solar energy, electric car, and wind energy expert. If you would like him to speak at a related conference or event, connect with him via social media. You can connect with Zach on any popular social networking site you like. Links to all of his main social media profiles are on

  • Wayne Williamson

    This is cool. I was wondering when the smart would be electric. Just thinking that for a first foray into the electric arena, that this might fit the bill…

  • H.Panicker

    Why is that most manufacturers build tiny cars powered by batteries that cramp up the driver? If it is to save on body weight, extend mileage or sync the efficiency of the motors to pull it along gradients,then why not build charging systems in car parks in front of their office. These park charging systems could be powered by solar or wind generators. I suggest the parks have a weighing platform type system which automatically begins to recharge the cars via a power coil built into it. The car would have similarly a coil to pick up power. The commuter would be able to get the car recharged ( payment to be made for both parking and charging) at the end of office time.

    • martinwinlow

      Not everyone in the world is so ‘well-fed’ that they need to drive around in a truck!

      I have just bought an i-Miev (re-badged by Peugeot and called an Ion) here in the UK that drives very nicely, indeed. I bought it 200 miles away and drove it back using the Ecotricity ChaDeMo fast charger network – which was interesting but not something I would necessarily want to do again in a hurry – but it does at least prove long distance EVing in the UK is feasible, even without Tesla. Just leave at least twice the time it would take in a conventional car.

      It is a nicely, though not OTT, equipped car with some nice touches. Comfortable but again, not unnecessarily fussy – A/C, electric most things (inc folding wing mirrors). It doesn’t have the big dash display of its Mitsubishi-badged brother – which is a shame. Good acceleration and adequate range – for my needs at least. A 20kWh pack instead of the 16 it has would make a big difference. Realistically, IMO (bearing in mind I have only had it for 3 days – but driven 350 miles already) it has a 50 mile, mixed driving range. If you stuck to 30mph you might get 60-70 miles but 93 miles (the official range)? Only with no accessories on at all and at a steady 25mph in warm weather with no wind or slope.

      As for buying a Smart ED, I did actually try to before I settled on the used Ion. I rang 3 Smart/Mercedes dealers, 2 of whom were Smart ‘specialists’ and got absolutely no-where “We’re busy with customers at the moment and we’ll ring you back” Nothing. I got the distinct impression that they just were not interested in selling them. MW

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