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Ben Sargent’s Loon Star State: Pocket Greg Abbott

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Loon Star State pocket Greg Abbott
Ben Sargent
  • 1bimbo

    attempting to demonize corporate america in the lone star state is as outdated as ben sargent cartoons

    • Bandara Carlos

      Bimbo: and your Republican Tea party rectified the problem
      by stealing from the schools and giving it to the rich Republican donors. On
      top of that Texas state constitution stipulates 8% percent matching funds for teacher retirement
      in place of Social Security contribution Republicans have Reneged on that
      required contribution shorting 25% since George Bush Junior was governor. All
      the time claiming a lie they created a big
      surplus, except it was on the backs of educators. Republicans are such liars.

      • 1bimbo

        i’m not sure i understand your caricatures..but then again, i think i see it a little differently

        • 1bimbo

          here’s one more.. it’s the future.. get used to it..