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Solar Energy


20% Of Australian Households Now Have Solar Power

Published on December 5th, 2014 | by Guest Contributor


Originally published on RenewEconomy. By Sophie Vorrath One out of every five Australian households are turning to solar energy for their electricity or hot water, new data has reveled. The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that ... Read More

Climate Change

Green Climate Fund.

COP20 Delegates Focus On Green Climate Fund (VIDEO)

Published on December 5th, 2014 | by Sandy Dechert

On Wednesday, the main discussion at the Lima UN COP20 meeting on climate change centered on financing mitigation and adaptation. Delegates discussed these agenda actions: Standing committee report on Finance, Financing of technology, Progress of the ... Read More



China Poised To Lose Solar Top Spot To Japan… Maybe

Published on December 4th, 2014 | by Anand Upadhyay


China has been losing steam on ways to achieve its annual solar targets. With Japan coming up strongly, there is a real chance that the former may not be the leading solar installer this year. China ... Read More

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