Take Back the Tap: Bottled Water Wastes Resources and Money | Food & Water Watch
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I long ago stopped believing that most corporations and politicians had the good of the public in mind. We need independent groups like Food & Water Watch to raise awareness and advocate for ethical, environmentally positive laws.
Elise Zuidema
August 5th, 2013

Take Back the Tap: Bottled Water Wastes Resources and Money



The bottled water industry has generated demand for its product through marketing, persuading Americans that bottled water is purer and healthier than tap water, even though the U.S. federal government requires more rigorous safety monitoring of municipal tap water than it does of bottled water.

After decades of steady growth, for the first time in years U.S. bottled water sales fell during the economic recession. During this time, more expensive brand names struggled while cheaper private-label water – store brands – experienced an increase in sales. This lead Nestlé, among other companies, to reduce the price of its bottled water, to use advertising methods that tout purity and to target people in emerging markets and minority groups in the United States that have limited safe drinking water.