Twitter reacts to the #FergusonDecision

By on November 25, 2014

Nicholas Friedman / Design Editor

Shortly after 8 p.m. yesterday, a St. Louis County grand jury announced a decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown.

Following the decision, celebrities, students and politicians took to the Twittersphere to reflect and voice their opinions. Some planned protests and discussed the future, while others paid respects to Brown’s family and prayed for peace.

Brown was shot on Aug. 9 in Ferguson, Mo., in an altercation with Wilson, which started with Brown walking in the middle of the street. Wilson pulled Brown over to the side of the road and witnesses say a confrontation followed, resulting in the death of Brown. His body was left on the street for more than four hours.

Medical laboratory science senior Sciorra Montgomery tweeted as President Obama released his statement on the matter.

“Cmon Obama, this is your one shot for your people. Don’t let us down. Puppet or not, f— the speech and say what’s on your mind!”

Rapper and activist Killer Mike told his followers that they should not react violently, and instead plan for the future.

“If u are on the streets of ferguson don’t break, wait…..plot, plan, strategize, organize THEN MOBILIZE! #RevenegeIsaPlateBestServedCold.”

SGA President Troy Elliot tweeted that he is organizing a carpool to the Dallas Police Department at 6 p.m. tonight. Elliott also called to the UNT Greek community.

“GREEKS need to be community organizers and rally their campuses for this. Youth have to be the face. This is OUR civil rights movement.”

Last night, protests raged in in Ferguson and in other parts of the country, and police shot smoke into crowds in attempts to disperse them. Protestors’ message remains clear: there must be justice.


Featured and above image: Several screengrabs from various Twitter accounts showing the reaction to the St./ Louis Grand Jury’s decision to not indite Darren Wilson. Image created by Nicholas Friedman – Design Editor

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