Animal Bites
What do I do if I am bitten by a dog or cat?
  • Wash and rinse the bite well

  • Consult a doctor to determine your next course of medical action

  • Remember what the animal looked like, describe the animal that bit you – breed, size, color – to your doctor or Animal Services staff

  • Report the bite to Animal Services or your local authority

  • Advise children to get help from an adult, teacher, police officer, or Animal Services officer if they are ever bitten by an animal

Animal Services will attempt to contact the owner of the animal. A report must be made for every bite that occurs. Verification of current rabies vaccinations must be provided for the biting animal.

Due to the fact that rabies vaccinations are not 100 percent effective and that we live amongst a plethora of wildlife, all dogs and cats that bite someone must be observed for 10 days to detect any signs of rabies.

The biting dog or cat must be tested for rabies or quarantined for 10 days.

For more information about rabies visit:
The Texas Department of State Health Services Web site at www.dshs.state.tx.us.

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