At a Glance


Through (school-based coordination or a school-based coordinator), Communities In Schools connect students and their families to critical community resources tailored to local needs.


We are 5,000 professionals and nearly 50,000 volunteers on the ground, working in nearly 2,700 K-12 public schools, in the most challenged communities, in 27 states and the District of Columbia, serving nearly 1.26 million young people and their families every year. .


There is no single reason why students drop out of school, nor is dropping out of school a sudden decision. Dropping out is a result of a long process of disengagement that may begin even before a child enters school. It is a cumulative process, brought about by any number of individual, family, community or school risk factors.

News & Updates


Over 1,300 volunteers generously donated more than 13,000 hours to help us last year, but we still need your help!


School Supplies Needed

CISNT's programs need your help!

Many North Texas students are ill equipped to pursue academic excellence. You can help! Below is a list of items that will go a long way in helping a child successfully learn, achieve excellence and have a fulfilling school experience.


About Us

More than 20,000 Denton and Wise County public school students are in at-risk situations for failure and of dropping out of school. With the help of Communities in Schools of North Texas (CISNT), part of the nation's largest dropout prevention network, many will beat the odds this year and stay in school. CISNT, a non-profit administered through guidelines by the Texas Education Agency(TEA), is part of an innovative national approach established to combat the dropout problem.


CISNT Committees, a place for everyone to get involved!

Volunteering for one our committee's is a great way to serve the North Texas community while leveraging your own skills and talents. CISNT has committees that serve each discipline within our organization.


From Our Blog

Being Thankful

This month, I am thankful for the support that Communities In Schools of North Texas has received from the Northwest High School Athletic Booster Clubs. This group of parents, community members, and their students have worked together to meet several needs within the CIS program. 


Friday Night Lights

I have two 7th grade students, Thang and Van, who play on the Hedrick Middle School football team. They are both Chin refugee students. This is their first year playing on the school’s football team.

I first approached Thang and Van two years ago to see if they had any interest in football. At the time their main interest was soccer which is huge in the Chin community. However, Thang and Van had a high school mentor who played football for Lewisville High School.


Becoming "Fearless"

Genesis Williamson on Angelina:
“She always has an enthusiastic attitude every day during "The Fearless." She consistently gives 100% effort during activities. She shows genuine care for her peers. Even if something is out of her normal comfort zone, she takes it on with a driven mindset.”


A Mentor Models "Reliability" to her Students

A big trait we try to instill in our students is the characteristic of being reliable. This quality is taught to play out in many facets of these students’ lives: being a reliable friend, being reliable in completing assignments, or being reliable to doing something once you have committed to it.



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