What Your Favorite North Texas Band Says About You

Categories: Best Of

Mike Brooks
If you're Bob Crawford, you're awesome. All other music fans, we got your number.

By H. Drew Blackburn, Jaime-Paul Falcon, and Matt Wood

No matter what someone tells you, they generally tend to judge a book by its cover. This isn't a good human trait, but we do it. Often we're wrong about our first perceptions of people based on an extremely vainglorious surface level assumption. We also judge people by their taste: in food, in movies, in romantic partners, etc, etc, ad infinitum. What we're most likely to judge someone off of is their taste in music. Relationships go to the grave over the fact that someone is really into dubstep.

We're also very keen on assuming things about people because of what they have on their iPod. With that, we bring you a few stereotypes based on your favorite North Texas musical acts. Have fun being judged.

See also:
50 Signs You've Been Partying Too Long in Denton

You love Dallas so much that you think Triple D is a good nickname for a city.

The Baptist Generals
You're an artist of some sort that takes forever to complete something. Hey, you can't rush art, right?

Ben Kweller
You're married, have a stable job, have a second kid on the way, and you long to put the band back together. We should jam sometime dude, you know grab some microbrews and just jam.

Bludded Head
You know what they say: The 10th year of undergrad is when you really find yourself.

Blue, The Misfit
You think everything Kid Cudi touches is gold, even WZRD.

Blackstone Rangers
Year round, you use Christmas lights as the light source on your porch and in your backyard.

Booty Fade
You were twerking waaaaayyyyy before Miley Cyrus ruined it.

Buffalo Black
You're a 9/11 truther and subscribe to an infowars.com newsletter.

Brave Combo
You're a UNT professor and have a few opinions about fracking.

You've probably been living in Denton too long, but at this point you just don't give a shit.

You're really into pumpkin spice lattes, Lena Dunham and have a newly acquired interest in soccer.

You go to art parties with "progressive" installations.

Dark Rooms
If someone calls you a hipster, you take major offense. Hipster.

Danny Diamond
You try pretty hard to sell yourself as a curmudgeon but everyone knows you're a sap at heart.

Dustin Cavazos
You had your quinceañera last week.

Erykah Badu
You've gotten buck-ass naked in Dealey Plaza before and everyone saw your enormous #theysleepwegrind tattoo.

Fox & the Bird
You're a manic pixie dream girl (or boy) filled with twee.

George Quartz
You have a liberal arts degree from SMU and pretend to like John Waters movies.

Goodnight Ned
You're a proud owner of six fedoras.

Home by Hovercraft
You know this really awesome neighborhood. It's called "Bishop Arts."

You've dabbled in molly once or twice. Okay, three times. All right, you lost count.

Jonathan Tyler and the Northern Lights
You tailgated at every one of your college's football games. Even if they were trash.

My Voice Nation Help

No...I don't have a tribal tattoo. I do, however, have a 666 on my skull (although I'm not sure how it got there.)

BTW...did I overlook the Reverend?



Dixie Witch: You're so kewl to like something few ever heard. 


Pantera: You are angry that the fucknut who wrote this article didn't mention one of the biggest North Texas bands ever!


What about the boys NITE drom Denton? Curious to see what you guys have  to say about them! 


wow just goes to show you that every band/artist we've had in the last 10+ years is essentially a joke.


Vanilla Ice? Hes better than most of these!


suppose I've only ever even heard of a handful of these bands? 


I forgot that Yells At Eels has not been a North Texas band for 15 years.


@bstewart1987 Telegraph Canyon: You're Always First to write an online comment.

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