Morning News Critic Leslie Brenner Dressed Like a Mummy to Sneak into Proof + Pantry

Categories: Food News

screenshot via Dallas Morning News
This person reviewed a restaurant while dressed up like a mummy.
The saga is finally over. After the owners of Proof + Pantry refused to allow The Dallas Morning News' food critic to pay for a meal that she was planning on reviewing, Leslie Brenner has finally published her thoughts on the One Arts Plaza restaurant and dropped a cute little bombshell in the process.

After Brenner's controversial initial visit to Proof + Pantry, she had to dine at the restaurant at least one more time in order to meet the News' requirements for food reviews. Knowing that Martensen and Jafar would try to comp her again, Brenner dressed up in costume and visited the restaurant with a group of guests on Halloween night.

Betting the restaurant's owners wouldn't ask a guest to remove her Halloween costume, Brenner wrapped her entire head in muslin and cheesecloth to obscure her identity in an entirely elaborate mummy costume. "I thought a mummy was my best shot at not being recognized," Brenner told me via email. "If they suspected it was me, they probably wouldn't ask me to remove the wrapping. What if they were wrong and they asked an ordinary guest to destroy her costume?"

Brenner's plan worked. Even though she is no ordinary guest, the critic was able to dine with her also-costumed guests undetected, and clearly had an excellent experience. Even after a "tense" confrontation in the restaurant on the first visit, Brenner awarded the restaurant three stars in a decidedly positive review.

"I have a hard time understanding what Proof + Pantry's owners were afraid of," she wrote. "Both times I dined there, friends in tow, we all had a wonderful time and quite liked the food."

"Quite liked" may be an understatement. In the review, Brenner gushes about Chef Kyle McClelland's cooking and the cocktail menu designed by Martensen. Her review of the restaurant's service is somewhat less positive, but still ultimately adds up to a rating that Proof + Pantry shares with many of the city's other well-regarded restaurants, including Knife, cheffed by Brenner's nemesis John Tesar.

Unsurprisingly, Tesar doesn't care much for Brenner's thoughts on Proof + Pantry and thinks that the critic is just "ducking the heat" in choosing to award three stars. "She couldn't give them a really good review because she's Leslie, but she couldn't give them a really bad review because people would see right through it." Tesar also goes as far as to call the stunt "the most childishly unprofessional thing I've ever seen."

Unlike Tesar, Martensen and Jafar have been largely mum -- ! -- about their thoughts on Brenner's review. Martensen did not respond to a request for comment yesterday evening, which could signal a more unified response to come from all of the restaurant's stakeholders. Instead, the restaurant posted a link to D Magazine critic Nancy Nichols' post on Brenner's review. In the short blog, Nichols argues that Brenner's behavior crosses an ethical line, one that she'd drawn for herself in adopting the anonymity policy when she arrived in 2009.

"I don't care how objective Brenner feels she can be under tough circumstances. She should have walked away from this review," writes Nichols. "Instead she mocks the industry and shines the light on herself. She snuck into the place to prove she could." Tesar echoes this sentiment: "This is just someone being spiteful and thinking that she's smarter than us," he said. "This is another example of her thinking she's better than us."

Whatever the result, it's unlikely that this is a scenario that will happen again in a Dallas restaurant. Now that Brenner has shed her anonymity, she says that she is excited about no longer having to hide her identity. What this move means for Dallas restaurants, though, remains to be seen.


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There can't possibly be very many people who can afford to eat in restaurantsl ike this. To be honest, I don't think there's a steak on the face of the earth worth $125.


She's living rent free in Tesar's head.


Tesar is an even bigger tool than Brenner but it is time for her to go back to CA.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

I like Nancy Nichols' title for her column about LB's hijinks:  Mummy Not So Dearest


That vile Brenner woman may appeal to the 1%ers in Highland park (who are about all that's left subscribing to the DMN) but to the rest of us she's a pompous twit.


tesar is the biggest hack in town. Guy complains about being short changed on his reviews yet he steals all his ideas from other chefs. She gave this place a good review because it is a good restaurant. I don't think you guys even read her reviews, I think someone at the observer decided to side on team tesar and all y'all just blindly follow. I have never felt she had any california bias. Tesar would have a problem with any critic that didn't give him 5 stars, not just brenner. It just happens that scott reitz is a bigger hack than tesar and would eat tesar's toilet paper.


Hope this is the final chapter of this boring saga. Nothing worse than pretentious people arguing about pretentious things.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

The nudnitse eats a $125 steak, then kvetches about a waiter trying to upsell the wine. 

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

LesBren reviews might as well be posted on Yelp now, thats about how much people respect her opinions these days.


I can't believe she was able to eat an entire meal with most of her face completely covered.


The star system has lost its value. Too many yelpers, bloggers. and 'foodies' have inflated the currency with counterfeit ratings that are not based on the original michelin standards. It is an outdated system. Brenner has stubbornly entrenched and draped herself in the star rating in some strange attempt to stand out from other reviewers. I'm fine with her reviews but P + P's gripe, (as are most chef's) is against that rating system. I would have preferred her to remain incognito and instead announced that she was ditching the star rating.


The owners weren't "afraid" of a bad review, they just don't think Leslie Brenner is capable of writing a review that would be worthwhile to any reader in Dallas.  After all, Proof + Pantry isn't a restaurant in California - how could she review it objectively?

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Will she be excited when she is unemployed by next summer?  Although, I bet she is already hunting jobs, but I hear the food scene in Dodge City (greggo voice) "Ain't that great"


Brenner does tend to get wrapped up in her own self importance.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@slimpyslim wow no california bias?  She basically admits that she has bias....dumbass


@ChrisYu yeah not like a restauranteur that thinks he is above criticism!


can you show me this admission asswipe? most likely not because you are a supreme tool that is spouting off all the usual garbage meant for these message boards

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