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Observer Radio Episode 84: Post-Election Wrap-Up

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The Observer hosts a post-election wrap-up panel at the North Door in Austin.
Jen Reel
The Observer’s Forrest Wilder moderates a conversation with political reporter Christopher Hooks, Texas Monthly senior editor Erica Grieder, Quorum Report’s Harvey Kronberg, state Rep. Jason Villalba (R-Dallas), and state Rep. Donna Howard (D-Austin).

This week's Observer Radio comes from a previously recorded event where The Texas Observer hosted a panel of political experts to discuss the results of the 2014 election and the upcoming 84th Texas Legislature. Join theĀ Observer's Forrest Wilder as he moderates a conversation with political reporter Christopher Hooks, Texas Monthly senior editor Erica Grieder, Quorum Report's Harvey Kronberg, state Rep. Jason Villalba (R-Dallas), and state Rep. Donna Howard (D-Austin).

Observer Radio appears on KEOS in College Station on Sundays at 6:30 p.m., on KOOP in Austin on Tuesdays at 2 p.m., and on Wimberley Valley Radio on Sunday mornings and afternoons. Subscribe to Observer Radio on iTunes and never miss an episode.