Sean Long returns to St Helens as Keiron Cunningham’s assistant coach

Long spent 13 seasons at Saints, winning 11 trophies
St Helens win Grand Final after Ben Flower sees red
Sean Long
Sean Long spent 13 seasons as a player at St Helens, helping the club to 11 trophies. Photograph: Clint Hughes/PA

Sean Long, a former St Helens scrum-half, has returned to the club as an assistant coach. The 38-year-old enjoyed 13 seasons with Saints, winning 11 team trophies and the Lance Todd award for being named man of the match in the Challenge Cup Final three times.

He left Saints in 2009 for Hull but retirement soon followed due to injury, and he has since drifted around the coaching scene, working with Wigan, Salford and Samoa.

A move to Langtree Park is a genuine homecoming, though, and he has signed a two-year deal to work under Keiron Cunningham, his former team-mate who is readying himself for his first spell as the head coach.

Cunningham has replaced Nathan Brown in the top job after he returned to Australia in the wake of his side’s Grand Final triumph over Wigan.

Long said: “I am delighted to be back at a club I love so much. Saints are one of the greatest rugby league clubs in the world and to be part of the backroom team here was too good an opportunity to turn down. It was my chance to come home. The opportunity to work with Keiron Cunningham – a team-mate and friend who was and still is a legend at Saints – and the great squad the club has is very exciting.”

With the current captain, Paul Wellens, also on the staff, Cunningham is pleased with the team he has put together. “I am really happy that Sean has agreed to join my team,” he said. “He is a legend at this club and will bring years of experience not only as a world-class player but also as a first-rate coach. He commands respect amongst the playing group and will complement our backroom team perfectly.”