Masterclasses Australia

Video journalism: a one-day boot camp

Led by Dan Ilic, this one-day course explores a variety of perspectives on video journalism, with an emphasis on how to make the best use of video with limited resources.

MCA Video journalism: a one-day boot camp
Dan Ilic, producer and director of A Rational Fear. Photograph: supplied

The accessibility and mobility of today’s media has redefined how we engage with journalism. With the rise of mobile smartphone technology, everybody has the opportunity to play a key role in capturing, sharing and creating the news.

This course is for you if...

  • You’re new to video journalism and want to break into the industry
  • You work in the media and want a better understanding of journalism and online news consumers
  • You work for corporate/government communications, NGOs, lobby groups or similar and need to submit advocacy pieces to TV channels or websites
  • You want to learn how to use limited technology (e.g. a mobile phone camera) to create content

Course description

This one-day course explores a variety of perspectives on video journalism, with an emphasis on how to make the best use of video with limited resources: you and a camera. Dan will draw on a combination of theoretical and practical components to discuss what makes a good news story. The class will provide a comprehensive guide to the skills, tools and methods you need to find the stories that matter and make your voice heard in video journalism. Students will also have the opportunity to go out and film a short news item.

You will leave this Masterclass with a deeper understanding of video journalism in contemporary media, and how to use cost effective devices and smartphone technology to create high quality and engaging news stories.

PLEASE NOTE: A basic knowledge of digital media and video journalism is advantageous. Please bring a digital camera (with video), iPad or tablet and necessary stationery to use in class.

Topics covered on the day include

  • New directions in video storytelling using cost effective equipment
  • Filming stories using digital resources
  • Working with experts and eyewitnesses
  • Finding an editorial voice
  • Understanding what editors look for in a TV or video submission
  • Setting your work apart from the rest
  • Finding funding for your work

Tutor profile

Dan Ilic is a comedian, writer, performer, journalist, broadcaster, and filmmaker. He produces and directs viral videos and regularly speaks on the future of digital entertainment.

He is the man behind A Rational Fear, a video series published by Guardian Australia. Dan is best known for his work on TV shows Can Of Worms, Hungry Beast and The Ronnie Johns Half Hour. His commitment to causing trouble for a good cause saw him writing and performing his Melbourne Fringe Festival show Beaconsfield: A Musical in A flat minor, which chronicled the media exploitation of the Beaconsfield mine disaster.

Dan is also the host and creator of satirical comedy project: A Rational Fear. Dan crowdfunded the project and raised in excess of $52,000. He then produced 40 video or online TV episodes and live events, as well as offered backers merchandising:

Book now



Date: Wednesday 25 February 2015
Times: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Location: NSW Teachers Federation (meeting room #3)23-33 Mary St, Surry Hills NSW 2010
Price: $349.00
Event capacity: 16
Dress code: There is no dress code for Masterclasses. Please wear whatever you feel comfortable in

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Tickets may be refunded if you contact us at least 7 days before the course start date. Please see our terms and conditions for more information on our refund policy.