The European Outlier

I’m doing some work on matters European, which should see the light of day shortly, and for future reference I want to post a simple chart. It makes the same point already made by Francesco Saraceno and Simon Wren-Lewis, but in a more stripped-down and possibly clearer (?) way.

The point is a simple but important one: at this point any European imbalances associated with the surge in capital flows to the periphery after the formation of the euro have been worked off via extremely painful and costly disinflation. If we look at the whole period from 1999 to the present, most of Europe has had cost growth and inflation just about consistent with the ECB’s long-standing just-under-2 percent inflation target. There’s just one big outlier:

Credit OECD and IMF

At this point the European imbalance problem is a German problem, caused by Germany’s persistent failure to have wage and price increases in line with what the euro requires. This German undervaluation is in turn exporting deflation to the rest of Europe. By contrast, France, Spain, and even Italy have been playing by the rules.