Trail Blazers Blog

Hospital poll: Texans favor Medicaid expansion

(courtesy photo)
Dan Stultz, president & CEO, Texas Hospital Association

About half of Texans support expanding Medicaid, while roughly one-third say the state should turn down the federal government’s inducements to enlarge the program for the poor, according to a new poll.

In the poll, commissioned by the Texas Hospital Association, 54 percent of state voters said Texas should participate. Thirty-four percent said the state should reject the Medicaid expansion, a key provision of President Barack Obama’s federal health care overhaul. It takes effect in January. The hospital group strongly supports the expansion.

“Texans understand that Medicaid expansion is a wise investment because it increases access to health care and reduces costs to the local taxpayers who shoulder the burden when the state and federal governments cut funding to public hospitals as they have done in recent years,” said Dan Stultz, a doctor who is the hospital group’s president and chief executive officer.

Gov. Rick Perry and most state GOP leaders oppose expansion, saying Medicaid as currently structured is inefficient and warning that state taxpayers should be wary of possible long-term costs.

Perry’s pollster, Mike Baselice, conducted the hospital association’s poll. It roughly tracked the results of a poll last September for the Texas Lyceum, a nonpartisan group, although the Lyceum poll found a slightly higher percentage — 40 — saying Texas should refuse to participate. For the hospitals, Baselice’s company, Baselice & Associates Inc., interviewed 502 registered voters statewide from Feb. 4-7. It reached them via land lines and cell phones. The margin of error was plus or minor 4.4 percentage points.

The poll asked, “As part of the federal health care reforms, each state must decide if it is to participate in or reject Medicaid expansion. Based on what you know about it, should the state of Texas participate in or reject Medicaid expansion?” That was alternated with a question of the same phrasing, except that the choice was presented as “reject or participate in,” which drew slightly stronger support for rejection.

Under the federal law, Texas Medicaid could be expanded to cover working age adults who earn about $15,400 a year, which is 138 percent of the federal poverty line. Current income limits in Texas depend on several factors, but can be as low as about $1,340 a year. If the state participates, its Medicaid program managers estimate that just over 1 million adults and about 408,000 children would enroll by 2017. The children already are eligible but haven’t been signed up. The federal government would pay all of the costs for the first three years, and at least 90 percent after that. Currently, the federal government pays about 59 percent of the tab for Medicaid patients’ care. Over 10 years, the expansion would attract $100.1 billion in federal Medicaid match to Texas. The state would have to put up $15.6 billion.

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