Unaccompanied Immigrant Kids Are Still Coming into Texas

Categories: Immigration

Thumbnail image for Bestia.jpg
Kids were coming into the U.S. via the infamous train, La Bestia, by the thousands this summer. What about now?

It's been a few months since Clay Jenkins ceremoniously announced that, because rates of unaccompanied immigrant children coming into Texas had ebbed, there was no longer a need for a local shelter. Has the influx remained low?

See also: Dallas County Will Not Shelter Thousands of Central American Kids After All

Experts agree that the flow of immigrants seems to slow when the weather is either too hot or too cold to make the already dangerous crossland trip. Which is why, if rates were lower in the middle of August, we can expect them to be low throughout the winter months.

Bill Holston, executive director of the Human Rights Initiative of North Texas, says rates are significantly lower now than they were even in the last few months. "We see fewer kids just showing up at our office than we did, say, 45 days ago," he says. "But we still have a steady stream of kids. With the accelerated nature of the court dockets, they've gone through a bunch of kids already."

Several factors are playing into the decrease in numbers. "It's not that things are better in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Things are just as violent there as ever," Holston says. "There is a downtick in the summer when its incredibly difficult to cross the desert. And there is an increase in information to these countries, that you can't just come here and stay, you will be deported. And I understand that Mexico is sending more kids back."

Which means that if fewer kids are making their way to the United States border, more are remaining in dangerous conditions in Central America. And many are still being deported from the United States when they appear in court without legal representation.

"There are still children that are showing up in court without lawyers. You go down to the kids' docket, and those courtrooms are full of kids," Holston says. "The number of children crossing the border has gone way down, and so the number of kids being released from the shelter has gone now. But more than 1,000 children are in proceedings with immigration here. So there's still a steady stream of kids showing up."

It remains to be seen whether or not the downward trend will continue. "I think the border crossings continue to be way down," Holston says. "But I've heard that they are prep for the possibility of another surge, another uptick of kids in the spring. So I guess we'll all just have to wait and see."


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Q: Why do otherwise intelligent American citizens want President Obama to legalized an undetermined number of illiterate (even in their own language) foreign nationals in the country illegally? Don't they know that mass "legalization" of 30-35 million will shock America so badly that it will destroy the social welfare system and plunge the country into a bloody civil war? Do they not know that they cannot escape the fires of the conflict? Do they not know that they will lose family members in the war? Do they not know that the end of the Republic will end their lives as well? There will be no escape, no safe haven.

holmantx topcommenter

I think the President should just dismiss the Congress.

He will need to do this before January.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

June 27, 2013.  The Senate, with a 68-32 vote, passed the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013.  The Republican House has refused to bring it up for a vote.  Jeb Bush has asked his party to quit being the "obstacle" to immigration reform.

holmantx topcommenter

In 2011, he told a Univision town hall that there “are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system.” To ignore those congressional mandates through executive order, Obama said, would “not conform with my appropriate role as president.”

He knows this is an impeachable offense.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

And there is an increase in information to these countries, that you can't just come here and stay, you will be deported...

These folks are smarter than US voters, they know this isn't true.

mavdog topcommenter


Q: when you are as irrational and living in a surreal world as you seem to be, are you aware of it? I mean do you sometimes think about what you say and realize it's just plain crazy, or are you oblivious to it?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Looks like Jeb's party didn't accept Jeb's premise.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Why do right-wingers on this right-wingnut blog insist on posting Obama statements that are clearly beyond their expiration dates?

Don't think folks can't see through your deceptions!

mavdog topcommenter


He knows this is an impeachable offense.

odd, but when Ronald Reagan did an Executive Order on forestalling deportations, and when George H.W. Bush did an Executive Order on forestalling deportations, there wasn't any reference to "an impeachable offense", nor was there any accusation that their actions were illegal.

Precedent can be a bitch.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Obama insists he must do what is right for Americans (whether Americans want it or not).

With this coming amnesty, he is keeping his promise. He is going to do what's right for Americans - Central Americans.

And you know as well as he or anyone, the first black president cannot be impeached


@mavdog  Irrational. Crazy. My question was honest yet you insult and demean. Is that your answer for everything? 

holmantx topcommenter


But the election is over and the People must be silent for two more years.

And maybe the Republican Establishment doth protest too much.  It appears only the conservatives want to stanch the flood of illegal labor.



Sorry, I have trouble getting with the program regarding remembering what I am supposed to forget.

Help me out here, does the expiration date kick in before or after the Nancy Pelosi denial/downplay/distance?

holmantx topcommenter


Good thing the President is out of the country or he would be livid.

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx

That is because there is no precedent, bitch.

Reagan's and Bush's actions were conducted in the wake of a sweeping, bipartisan immigration overhaul by Congress and signed by Reagan.  At a time when "amnesty" was not a dirty word because Congress agreed to a one-time amnesty along with ENFORCEMENT measures the current occupant refuses to enforce.

And the sad fact is, you it's an impeachable offense too.

holmantx topcommenter


A heckler in 2013 urged him to take executive action on the matter, and he responded directly to him.

“If, in fact, I could solve all these problems without passing laws in Congress, then I would do so,” he said. “But we’re also a nation of laws. That’s part of our tradition. So the easy way out is to try to yell and pretend like I can do something by violating our laws, and what I’m proposing is the harder path which is to use our democratic processes to achieve the same goal that you want to achieve.”

Has he not sought, nor does he have, any written legal justification from the Attorney General and the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) for his actions.  He is begging for the impeachment process.

As a tactical consideration, a political calculation, the Republicans will not take the bait however, it remains an impeachable offense.  He is going to force the Congress's hand on this.  He thinks he can turn the people back to his side through a protracted impeachment process.

However, this is not about sex.  It's about 5 to 30 million illegal aliens who take jobs on the worker side, and finite public assistance and free hospital beds on the wagon rider side.

He's already got his Congress shot out from under him.  And his press pony is wind-broke.  And if another Human Wave rolls over Texas and we ship them north like we did last time, he'll lose his rank and file.

He's down to just a few more clown acts.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@Catbird  Indeed.  Like this gem:  “Obama doesn’t want America to believe that we’re exceptional,” Schlafly said. “He wants us to be just like everybody else, and if Africa is suffering from Ebola, we ought to join the group and be suffering from it, too. That’s his attitude.”

mavdog topcommenter


hey, what you penned was irrational, and it is accurate to call it crazy IMO.

My question was honest, too.

Thanks for the answer BTW. clearly it's oblivious.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


According to NPR reporting (not analysis or opinion) it is a fact that "the republicans must prove they can govern". (This is a fairly common meme in recent "reportage")

I don't recall them asserting that Obama or his majority congress at any time had to "prove they could govern". I guess the ability of that party is just a given among certain fair & balanced reality-based communities.

Personally, given the recent past, I think all the repubs just have to prove is they can lie their asses off to stupid Americans and break the law. After all, any democrat will tell you the way for repubs to win is to be more like democrats.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The statement has to expire before you find out the expiration date.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


None more livid than he. After all, look at the photo illustrating this post - the freedom train derailed by republicans!

mavdog topcommenter


ah, so it was the same, both previous Presidents used Executive Orders doing the very same thing Obama is said to be doing, but it was different.

because today, unlike then, the word amnesty is "dirty".

thanks for clearing that up....

and "you it's an impeachable offense too" [sic] as well.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


He's playing the whole damn deck, including the Jokers.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


With his approval ratings slipping ever-so-slightly, polls showing that the polled prefer congess, not him, to "set the agenda", and the growing dis-satisfaction with ACA, and a resounding vote of no confidence from the electorate in the mid-terms, you can expect Obama to double down and double-dare anyone to do anything about it.

Because Americans have always demanded from him that which they do not want.

I'll say one thing for his Excellency, by the end of his term, more borders will be erased than anyone thought possible, both here and abroad.

Not to mention that al-qaida is on the run, to ally with ISIS, which is being degraded and destroyed by growing stronger; Yemen is a terrific model of the success of failure; Putin is so cowed he's sending bombers to the Gulf; the Chicoms got suckered big-time with this climate deal which forced them to make promises, and not a lot of westerners are being beheaded to send Mr. Big Shot a message of respect and submission.


Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@catbird And:  "The atomic bomb is a marvelous gift that was given to our country by a wise God."

mavdog topcommenter


I don't recall them asserting that Obama or his majority congress at any time had to "prove they could govern". 

those very words were said about Obama in 2008 when he first came into office, and also in 2010.

I think history will say that Obama's record on the question is a bit mixed. Obama clearly has not been able to do what Clinton did, work with the opposition to get legislation through Congress. Obama has shown to not have the capability to obtain cooperation. I believe he is partially to blame and the opposition is partially to blame.

The fact of the matter is the proposals he has made are not extreme ones, the ideas have been centrist in similar vein to Bill Clinton. It's the opposition that's changed dramatically.

holmantx topcommenter


Ted Kennedy on the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli Bill: “This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this.”

holmantx topcommenter

@mavdog @holmantx

-1986. Congress and Reagan enacted a sweeping overhaul that gave legal status to up to 3 million immigrants without authorization to be in the country, if they had come to the U.S. before 1982. Spouses and children who could not meet that test did not qualify, which incited protests that the new law was breaking up families.

-1987. Early efforts in Congress to amend the law to cover family members failed. Reagan cleaned up the outliers at the behest of Congress by Executive Order.  The initial and authorizing legislation was introduced and enacted by Congress which Reagan signed. 

The President HAS NO enabling Act.  He is enacting on his own.

-1990. In February, President George H.W. Bush, acting through the Immigration and Naturalization Service, established a "family fairness" further cleaned up the outliers in which family members living with a legalizing immigrant and who were in the U.S. before passage of the 1986 law were granted protection from deportation and authorized to seek employment.

All of this amnesty was traded for enhanced border enforcement, which was never funded and has been dropped from enforcement by the current occupant.

It is because the 1986 law failed in its objective to get illegal immigration control by use of granting amnesty to 3 million, the current Executive Action, which has no enacted legislation to play off of, is doomed to failure.

If the Congress refuses to enact new immigration law, with or without amnesty, then the President must wait for the NEXT Congress who will.

Of course, he's not going to do that because, like Ahab, he's fixated on the White Whale.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @catbird  It's been difficult for me to come to terms with the history of our country.

From around 1900 through today there has been a widening chasm between the country and the government. The murder of president Kennedy severed the last legitimate line of authority between the people and the government. Since then, corporate entities have owned enough interest in the Defense Department, State Department, CIA, NSA, Justice Department and the three branches to do anything they want anywhere in the world. 

These entities also own the national media and both national political parties so what the voters do in the elections is meaningless. Only the Greens, Libertarians and some local elements of the TEA party are politically independent.

The corporations are transitioning the world into a techno-feudal state in which there will be neither private property nor self determination.

This is where we're going; Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama et al, there is no change in direction. The only variable is velocity.

You would of course join with both Ms. Schlafly and mavdog in saying that I am irrational and crazy...I hope at least one of you is correct.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I've listened to NPR for years, never heard them say that. Maybe I sneezed.

I think Obama is an ass. 'nuff said.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Sure, blame it on a dead Kennedy.

observist topcommenter

@holmantx @mavdog 

"All of this amnesty was traded for enhanced border enforcement, which was never funded and has been dropped from enforcement by the current occupant."

The illegal immigrant population went up 50% from 8m to 12m during the Bush Jr. administration, and has not changed during the Obama administration.

Like the budget deficit, the Republicans don't do shit about the issue when they're in office, but when they're out of office they get all hysterical and act like it's TEOTWAWKI .



mavdog topcommenter


I see what you are saying, when Reagan issued his Executive Order in 1987 it was different because Congress had already passed an Immigration Bill, but they failed to address all of the people who were here in the US, and Congress couldn't seem to pass a bill to address the problem so Reagan issued an Executive Order enacting what congress couldn't bring themselves to accomplish.

yeah, that's so different....except it's the same.

George H.W. Bush issued his Executive Order in 1989 on immigration because the Senate had passed a bill on immigration changes but the House couldn't get themselves together to pass a bill like the Senate had done.

yeah, that's so different than today...except it is the same.

really, you should just admit the Reagan action and the Bush action were the same as what Obama is said to be doing. That is the truth, the facts speak for themselves, in spite of your protestations to the contrary.

mavdog topcommenter


well, if you didn't hear it...

apparently you and Obama possess a shared trait. maybe that's the basis of your problem. like brothers from a different mother...

mavdog topcommenter

@TheRuddSki @holmantx

You don't have Ted Kennedy to kick around anymore.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


For some reason, I just always saw the guy as a con.

Turned out I was right.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


My two brothers were at the ferry masters place that night when a wet Ted ambled by. He was all wet. I've been on that bridge he drove off too. My claim to fame.

mavdog topcommenter


wow, a politician who puts on the "con".


TheRuddSki topcommenter


Yeah, everyone does it, even the fresh new special, awesome ones.

Obama probably disillusioned a lot of dumb young kids. First time/last time voters.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Shitfaced drunk.

We also lived near their place in Palm beach, after the assassination. When Joe would sit on the beach, the SS, in black suits, wouldn't let us by.

Anything below the high tide mark is public. That's when I learned the perks of power.

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