Technology News | Cellphones, Social Media, Internet & Gadgets - Dallas News |

Sony Pictures hack revealed: 47k Social Security numbers, celeb data

The full extent of the recent Sony Pictures hack is starting to become clear, and will no doubt be causing the plush, leather chairs at head office to be squeaking a little louder than usual as executives squirm uncomfortably in their seats. More>>

Costumed Donkey Kong actor suing Nintendo for his broken heart

Parker Mills, an actor hired by Nintendo to wear a Donkey Kong costume at a 2013 Los Angeles Zoo event, is suing the gaming giant for damages due to stress caused by what he alleges were inhumane working conditions. More>>

NSA's Auroragold program spies on carriers to break into cell networks

Yet another top-secret National Security Agency (NSA) program has been unearthed by Glenn Greenwald's publication the Intercept.  More>>

A California man was just convicted for posting 'revenge porn' of an ex on Facebook

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For the first time, a state has convicted someone for posting “revenge porn” pictures. More>>

Say goodbye to your waistline: Girl Scout Cookies are now just an app click away


After years of selling cookies the old-fashioned way, Girl Scouts will now have their own websites and apps to help them sell cookies digitally. More>>

Moving soon? This app makes updating your address less of a headache

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If you move around a lot, changing your address can be a serious pain. More>>

Asking Santa for a smartwatch this year? You may want to think twice

If you have another tech savvy person on your holiday gift list, and a little extra money lining your jacket pocket this chilly season, you've no doubt been scouring for the ideal gift. More>>

10 of the juiciest portable battery chargers money can buy

Until there's a real breakthrough in battery technology a portable charger is a must have. More>>

Best Buy starts online only ‘early access’ Black Friday deals

Black Friday is supposed to be the day after Thanksgiving, but we can't even get to the holiday itself without companies giving us a chance to save. 

Leaving town? This box won't just detect a burst pipe, it will automatically stop it

Just in time for the frigid winter months that lie ahead, home improvement retailer Lowe's has just added an ingenious new gizmo to its popular Iris home automation line — a smart water valve that can automatically shut off your water if it detects that a pipe burst. More>>

Katy Perry chosen as Super Bowl Halftime Show after vowing not to 'pay to play'

Katy Perry confirmed on her personal Twitter account that she will be performing at the halftime show of Super Bowl XLIX in Phoenix on February 1, 2015 More>>

Android malware threat rears its head again — and this time it means business

A malware threat first observed in 2012 has evolved and hijacked more than 4 million Android devices to send spam emails, buy event tickets in bulk and crack WordPress accounts.  More>>

Poop-powered bus hits British roads

The U.K.'s first poop-powered bus hit the road this week, ferrying fare-paying passengers around parts of south-west England. More>>

Does Amazon's new Fire TV Stick put Roku out to pasture?

Amazon's Fire TV Stick was such a hit at launch that it is now backordered into next year.  More>>

Trip Advisor couple fined $150 by hotel for negative review

If you've ever left a negative review of a place on Trip Advisor, hopefully you haven't been hit with a fine for your efforts. More>>

Is Taylor Swift taking a stand against Spotify, or spouting propaganda for Google?

Last week Taylor Swift yanked her music from Spotify in a dramatic effort to stand against the devaluation of music … or she said at the time. More>>

It just got more expensive to leave your contract before Verizon wants you to

Verizon's new customers will have to pay more to jump ship. More>>

Cop tracks down one of LAPD’s most wanted fugitives after spotting him on Facebook

When you consider Facebook has 1.35 billion monthly users, with a good many of those active in the U.S., perhaps it shouldn't come as a surprise that cops see the social networking service as a useful tool in the fight against crime. More>>

US government agency shuts down email system after hacking attack

Security concerns in U.S. government agencies are escalating. More>>

What?! If you post a photo of the Eiffel Tower on Facebook, you could be fined

Copyrights probably aren't the first thing you think about when you're on vacation in Paris, but it turns out that some landmarks, like the Eiffel Tower, are actually protected by copyright laws. More>>

Another giant leap: Rosetta lander reaches surface of Comet 67P

There were cheers and celebration across the Internet and in European and United States space agencies this morning with news that a small robotic lander had, for the first time, successfully touched down on a comet.


Man proposes marriage standing in a heart made of iPhones, still gets turned down

There's nothing like a grand gesture when proposing marriage. More>>

How to escape your phone contract without paying a dime

Are you desperate to get a new phone or switch your service, but reluctant to do so because you know you'll get slammed with a big, fat early termination fee? More>>

Porn stars want Google to help them combat piracy

Several figures in the porn industry have expressed their desire to have legitimate links shown more prominently and ahead of illegitimate ones. More>>

This is what happens when you push a GoPro into a floating water blob - in space

The latest say-what? footage to hit the Web is the work of three ISS astronauts – the European Space Agency's Alexander Gerst and NASA's Steve Swanson and Reid Wiseman – who had the idea of putting a GoPro inside a water bubble More>>

Microsoft goes all-in for mobile with free iOS and Android apps

Microsoft has made an effort to improve the mobile experience and now it's announcing new, free versions of its iOS apps with added functionality. Android apps are also on the way. More>>

Google Glass might curb your vision

Since its initial launch in 2013, Google Glass has been touted as a revolutionary entry into the world of "smart" eyewear. More>>

BlueLight gives college students an easy, more accurate way to alert police

Many college campuses feature a “Blue Light” system that allows students to get directly in touch with security. A new similarly named app called BlueLight brings the same functionality to your smartphone for an added sense of security both on and off campus. More>>

The Internet Arcade lets you play 900+ classic games in your browser

Whether you want to blast through blocks in Arkanoid or prove your martial arts prowess in Street Fighter II, there's a huge choice of titles for anyone in need of a quick nostalgia boost. More>>

Cops can make you unlock your phone with your fingerprint, but they can’t take your passcode

Fingerprint sensors may seem like the most secure way to lock your phone and protect your data, but according to a judge in Virginia, the police can compel you to unlock your phone with your fingerprint. More>>

Stay in and scream with 15 horror movies you can stream

Halloween is almost here, and while you shouldn't need an excuse to indulge in a little nightmare fuel, the looming holiday certainly makes the idea of watching scary movies a little more appealing. More>>

Technology gone bad: 15 horror movies to make you afraid of your toaster

With Halloween on the horizon, we decided to look back at some of the movie industry's most notable examples of household technology gone horribly wrong More>>

Apple CEO Tim Cook is proud to be gay, hopes his openness can help others

Apple CEO Tim Cook has, for the first time, publicly spoken about being gay. More>>

TV and movies are melting into the same thing, and tech is stirring the pot

Thanks to a number of factors, including new technologies, the difference between TV shows and movies is quickly eroding. More>>

The FTC is suing AT&T for throttling customers with unlimited data

This afternoon, the department announced that it's suing AT&T for throttling subscribers in an “unfair or deceptive manner.” More>>

From mile-high Wi-Fi to mobile boarding passes, which airline has the best tech?

Although pretzels and leg room may be shrinking, one amenity the airline industry offers has been growing: tech in the air. More>>

The 1,200mph Aerion supersonic jet will do London to New York in just over 4 hours

Supersonic air travel could make a triumphant return in the near future, at least for a select few individuals with extremely healthy bank balances.  More>>

Man accidentally texts his probation officer asking for weed

In yet another story that involves a potent mixture of mobile technology and general stupidity, Georgia resident Alvin Cross, Jr. most definitely texted the wrong person when recently seeking a little marijuana. More>>

Start your engines, Apple fans! The iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3 arrive in select Apple Stores

Apple has been uncharacteristically quiet about the official in-store arrival date for the new iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3.  More>>

One of Apple’s very first computers fetches record-breaking $905,000 at auction

If you think Apple's new 5K iMac is pricey at $2500, wait till you hear how much one of its first PCs sold for this week. More>>

Are you a target for identity thieves?

Identity fraud happens when criminals use someone's stolen identity (identity theft) to commit a crime, such as purchasing items with your credit card. It's not going away anytime soon.

None of your favorite shows would have existed in an a la carte cable world

The consumers have spoken, corporate America has listened, and the gears are finally in motion to deliver “à la carte cable” – the ability to only pay for the content and channels you actually use. Except most of your favorite shows would never have been born with the TV model we're moving toward.

Looking for an easy A? PhotoMath solves equations with your phone’s camera

PhotoMath, a new app for iOS, Windows Phone, andAndroid (coming in 2015), can intelligently scan and solve math equations in real time. More>>

The FBI doesn’t like phone encryption, says it makes crimes harder to solve

Phone encryption is currently a hot topic in the mobile world, therefore it was only a matter of time until the FBI commented on such technology.  More>>

Apple’s iPad Air 2 gets thinner, faster, adds Touch ID and new camera features

After announcing its new iPhone models just a few weeks ago, Apple has turned its attention to the iPad at an event held in San Francisco.  More>>

HBO breaks free of cable, will offer online-only subscriptions in 2015

Just when it looked like the roof might be caving in for those looking to ditch the traditional cable paradigm, HBO went and blew the whole roof right off the building. More>>

Google goes Lollipop crazy with Android 5.0, the Nexus 6, the Nexus 9, and the Nexus Player

Google has launched a host of new devices all running its new Android 5.0 operating system. Initially teased under the name Android L, the preview version has now matured to become Lollipop, a name only now made public. More>>

Be shrewd or get screwed: How to haggle your way to a lower cable or Internet bill

Do you have a big monthly bill for broadband? Is your cable or satellite TV costing you a fortune? Everyone would like to pay less right?  More>>

Today's teens can be adept multitaskers

If you think teenagers always pay a penalty in performance when they juggle multiple media devices, think again. More>>

Google chief fears surveillance scandal could 'break the Internet'

Representatives from some of the biggest names in tech had some harsh words to say about the US government surveillance scandal on Wednesday during a meeting examining the potential ramifications of the spying activities. More>>

U.S. teens abandon Facebook and cling to iPhones

When teens were asked what social network they typically use, only 45 percent responded with Facebook. That's down from 72 percent responding Facebook just six months ago. More>>

NASA is funding research on deep sleep for transporting astronauts to Mars

Putting space travelers into a state of deep sleep has been a staple of interstellar science fiction for quite some time, but despite originating as a far-fetched concept, the idea of using suspended animation to enable deep space travel might soon become science fact More>>

Windows 7 use surges, while Windows 8 and 8.1 popularity falls

The number of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 users out there fell last month, while Windows 7's base continues to surge.

The obese are frequent targets for cyberbullies

Cyberbullying and negative messages targeting overweight and obese people are common on social media, a new study finds. More>>

Years after burning loyal PC users, Microsoft asks forgiveness with Windows 10

Today's reveal of the new Windows was a typical Microsoft press conference: confused, awkward, and lacking a clear vision of the future. More>>

Kids stupidly destroy iPhone 6 Plus in Apple Store to prove Bendgate is real

Ever since the iPhone 6 Plus was released two weeks ago, the handset has been plagued by reports that it bends without requiring too much effort on the part of the user. Some are a bit too eager to put Bendgate to the test. More>>

Ello promises an ad-free social network that doesn’t mine your data

Ello is a fledgling social network looking to pinch users disgruntled by the advertising and data mining carried out by the bigger sites. More>>

Some lenders can remotely disable cars when payments are missed

Utilizing a piece of hardware called the starter interrupt device, credit unions and other types of loan companies have started mandating the use of such devices when an auto loan is issued to a customer with bad credit. More>>

Can media multitasking alter your brain?

Multitasking with smartphones, laptop computers and other media devices could change the structure of your brain, according to a new study. More>>

Internet for all: Facebook to start testing Wi-Fi drones next year

Both Facebook and Google are battling it out to become the first high-profile company to bring Internet connectivity to remote locations around the world, with the social networking giant this week revealing further details of its drone-based initiative that it hopes will enable it to achieve its goal. More>>

Better-educated people more open to dubious health info on Web

Younger college graduates are more likely to trust health information from questionable sources on the Internet than older high school grads would, new research reports. More>>

Researchers believe future crimes can be predicted by analyzing mobile data

Can police departments gain the ability to predict crimes by analyzing mobile data? More>>

Bio-reactive expiration labels could spell the end of spoiled food

Think fast: Today's date matches the expiration date printed on the carton of milk in your fridge. Do you throw it out, or live on the edge and pour it over your frosted flakes with reckless abandon? More>>

Home Depot malware attack even bigger than Target's, 56m payment cards affected

Home Depot said Thursday a recent cyber attack on its computer network affected a colossal 56 million customer payment cards. 

No Internet? No problem. Cosmos for Android displays sites over SMS texting

Especially in emerging markets, an Internet connection can be hard to find. As such, the Cosmos Browser forAndroid is nothing short of a miracle, as the app lets you essentially browse the Web using SMS. More>>

First reviews for iPhone 6 praise it, but are torn about Plus size and battery

The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will arrive in stores on Friday September 19, but a few lucky reviewers have already used both models ahead of time. For the most part, reviews have been positive, but some mention a few small bugs and other “big” issues (pun intended). More>>

Apple expands two-step verification to

Following the recent iCloud celebrity photo hack that saw naked photos of a number of famous people hit the Web, Apple boss Tim Cook promised to improve security in a bid to ensure such an incident doesn't happen again. More>>

Sick of U2? Here’s how to remove 'Songs of Innocence' from your iTunes

Apple gifted U2's latest album for all iTunes users. But not every user is a fan - here's how to remove it from your library. More>>

Apple sells a record 4 million iPhone 6 units in 24 hours

Apple fans are responding to the two larger iPhone 6 models with great enthusiasm. The company announced on Monday that it sold 4 million iPhones in the first 24 hours. More>>

Teen petitions to have self-portrait with cat and lasers as yearbook pic

How many of us actually like our high school yearbook photos? Chances are, not many.  More>>

Yahoo says it faced $250,000-a-day gov't fine for opposing NSA data demand

Yahoo has revealed that the US government threatened to fine the company a hefty $250,000 a day if it refused to supply the National Security Agency (NSA) with user data for its top-secret PRISM surveillance program. More>>

Man gets busted for drugs after he butt dials 911 at a Mexican restaurant

Pocket-dialing someone can lead to disastrous consequences. More>>

Net neutrality is under threat from the FCC: What it is, and how we got here

Over the past few weeks (or years), you've probably heard a lot about Net Neutrality. If you're not sure what it really means, don't feel too bad. We're here to catch you up on everything you need to know. More>>

Apple Watch is yours to own in early 2015, and starts at $350

Apple's long-rumoured move into wearable technology has finally taken place.  More>>

Here's the iPhone 6: Bigger, thinner, improved camera, and more

Apple's iPhone 6 was perhaps the most highly anticipated device of 2014. Now, after a long, suspenseful year full of rumors and contradictory reports, the next iPhone is finally here.

NYPD and other police departments to equip officers with wearable body cameras

After a summer filled with stories involving questionable behavior by police officers, police departments across the nation are exploring the idea of equipping their officers with body cameras to increase accountability and transparency.  More>>

Sony's wearable Lifelog camera moves one step closer to watching your every step

Wearable technology is still in its infancy but there are some compelling aspects to it. More>>

Netflix lets you choose who you recommend movies to on Facebook

Now when a Netflix viewer finishes watching a selection, they'll be asked if they have any friends who'd also like the show. Select which friends you'd like to share the show or movie with, add an optional message, and click Send. More>>

World's first 'smart' cruise ship features robot bartenders, virtual balconies and more

Dubbed by its owner as “the world's first smartship,” Royal Caribbean's newest cruise ship could be just the ticket for tech fans keen to indulge their passion while sailing on the high seas. More>>

HP recalls 6 million laptop power cords

HP issued a voluntary recall, explaining that a recently discovered overheating issue made the cords a “fire and burn hazard.”

Ice Bucket Challenge video posted on Facebook leads police to wanted man

When 20-year-old Jesean Morris decided to post an “Ice Bucket Challenge” video on his Facebook page, it's unlikely that he thought it would lead to his arrest by police officers. More>>

Keeping your PC, smartphone or tablet clean

PCs, Smartphones, and handheld tablets are essentials of daily life. However, these conveniences need some basic maintenance to stay in top working order. Learn how to clean your electronic devices in the following easy, natural ways. More>>

UPS says customer information at risk following hack

Another day, another security breach.The latest global firm to suffer at the hands of villainous hackers is logistics giant UPS, or, to be precise, retail chain The UPS Store, a subsidiary of UPS. More>>

Want to pass your Facebook account to an heir? Move to Delaware

Becoming the first state to pass broad legislation related to the ownership of digital accounts, a new law in Delaware allows residents to pass digital assets to heirs, just like physical and financial assets. More>>

This app will shut down your phone until you call your mom back

Many teenagers can withstand 10 missed calls from mom without batting an eyelash, but when you take away Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and everything else, most won't last five minutes without calling dear old mom and dad to beg for their freedom back. More>>

The more Fires Amazon lights, the more its flame flickers

Amazon successfully expanded from selling books to just about everything short of houses and cars in the physical world. But that success has been hit-or-miss in the tech world. More>>

The road to self-driving cars remains a long one

If carmakers are to be believed, autonomous cars are right around the corner. Some like Nissan and Mercedes-Benz have in fact been so bold as to put a 2020 debut date on their first self-driving models. More>>

Comcast abandons customer on hold for three hours, then closes

In yet another Internet video that sheds light on poor customer service practices at Comcast, YouTube user Aaron Spain uploaded a video this week that details the length of time he was kept on hold by the Comcast retention department.  More>>

Listen to Pharrell's full NBA 2K15 soundtrack

2K Sports has released the full tracklist for NBA 2K15‘s soundtrack, curated by artist and producer Pharrell Williams (recently of “Happy” and “Get Lucky” fame).  More>>

Faking it: Nearly half of people lie while sexting

What is your partner really doing while sexting? More>>

Which states have the fastest and slowest Internet speeds?

Is there a correlation between the size of the state you live in and your Internet speed? More>>

Russian hackers stole more than 1 billion usernames and passwords

A gang operating in Russia is reportedly in possession of a staggering 1.2 billion usernames and passwords in a massive hack involving more than 420,000 websites, including many operated by high-profile companies. More>>

Man shoots himself in head while posing for gun selfie

It may seem obvious, but if you must take a gun selfie, it's probably best you point the barrel away from your head.

Smart tracking technology is coming to the NFL

From basketball to soccer, technology is having a growing impact on sports across the board. NFL league chiefs are the latest to embrace this brave new world. More>>

Survey says T-Mobile offers best customer service in the industry

In a recent study JD Power found that of all the U.S. carriers, T-Mobile ranks highest in customer satisfaction, mainly because it solves users’ problems and answers their questions quickly, accurately, and kindly. More>>

EA Access: What is it and what does it mean for you?

There’s very little precedent for Electronic Arts’ just-announced subscription service, and you’re probably wondering whether it’s worth your money.  More>>

Disable bloatware from running on your Android

Android phones will often contain apps that you aren’t able to uninstall.  More>>

NASA releases never-before-seen supernova photos from Chandra Observatory

To celebrate the 15th birthday of its Chandra X-ray Observatory, NASA has published four previously unreleased images of supernova remnants.


Jimmy Kimmel proves that we'll buy iWatch just because it's made by Apple

Jimmel Kimmel is known for messing with Americans’ minds, especially when it comes to upcoming Apple products.  More>>

Minnesota family ordered off Southwest flight after dad posts critical tweet

Ever tweeted about poor service from a company? Course you have. Ever had any troublesome comeback from it? Probably not. More>>

New Nigerian email attacks can take control of your computer

Internet security firm Palo Alto Networks has identified a new campaign of cyber-treachery originating from the borders of Nigeria, the notorious source of a billion countless malicious emails. More>>

Running back to BlackBerry is still a mistake

If you want to live dangerously, go ahead and climb an unfeasibly tall cliff without a safety line while wearing completely unsuitable footwear. Just don’t, whatever you do, swap your iPhone for a BlackBerry.  More>>

Tweetbot catches Russia making edits to Flight MH17 Wikipedia entry

Insert direct link to story on DT's website here: This article was originally posted on">Digital Trends

Robot: No Index should be checked

graphic = (Image courtesy of Digital Trends)

Could this selfie toaster be the next best thing since sliced bread?

Don’t you sometimes wish you could eat your own face for breakfast? (Metaphorically speaking, of course – we do not condone self-cannibalism.) Well, now you can. More>>

Study says that teenage texts = teenage sex

Teenagers who text a lot are more likely to sext and a new study says that they are also more likely to be sexually active. More>>

Microsoft axes Nokia X Android project, cuts 18,000 jobs

Ding dong, the Nokia X is dead. This announcement comes right after the company announced plans to cut 18,000 jobs. More>>

Facebook, Nielsen will soon track your TV habits on tablets, smartphones

Attempting to get a better grasp on how many television shows consumers are watching on mobile devices, the Nielsen company is partnering up with Facebook in order to track television viewing habits of U.S. consumers.

Watch planet Earth rise above the moon in this high-def video from space

The photograph titled “Earthrise,” taken in 1968 by NASA astronaut William Anders during the Apollo 8 mission, is probably one of the best-known and most iconic pieces of space photography. More>>

Breaking up is hard to do, especially with Comcast

Break-ups can be tough – especially when one side just doesn’t know how to let go.

AT&T vs. Verizon vs. T-Mobile: Whose family plan will save you the most?

To say that navigating U.S. carriers’ family plans is a trial is the understatement of the century.

Wi-Fi cows to help revelers get online at UK’s most famous music festival

One of Britain’s longest-running and most famous music festivals is turning to a herd of brightly painted,life-size, fiber-glass cows to solve the problem of Wi-Fi connectivity at the event.

Yo app hacked: Users spammed, Rickrolled

Yo, the greatest monosyllabic thing to happen to apps, is reportedly riddled with security holes. More>>

T-Mobile offers free music streaming, lets anyone try iPhone 5S for 7 days

T-Mobile announced its latest plan as part of the Uncarrier movement. More>>

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