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The New York Times

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Gunfire Reported Inside Canada’s Parliament

Multiple shots were fired within Parliament here on Wednesday morning, and police officers rushed to secure the building and move occupants to safety.

It was not immediately clear who did the shooting, but at least one body, possibly a soldier, was seen slumped at the National War Memorial nearby.

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mark mankind's profile photoAngela RM Crane's profile photoKeshar Rai's profile photoRAJAA SARKAAR's profile photo
That's so old. That happened like... a month ago. The Parliament will have some guards (not the ceromonial guards) surrounding the parliament. And they will still be giving tours
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The New York Times

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Denying Review, Supreme Court Justices Clear Way for Gay Marriage in 5 States

The Supreme Court on Monday denied review in all five pending same-sex marriage cases, clearing the way for such marriages to proceed in Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin.

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Regina Van Epps's profile photomyint than's profile photocecille silverio's profile photoYousaf Iftekhar's profile photo
nice one
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Surviving an ISIS Massacre in Northern Iraq [includes graphic images]

Ali Hussein Kadhim, an Iraqi soldier and a Shiite, was captured with hundreds of other soldiers by Sunni militants in June and taken to the grounds of a palace complex in Tikrit where Saddam Hussein once lived.

The militants, with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, separated the men by sect. The Sunnis were allowed to repent for their service to the government. The Shiites were marked for death, and lined up in groups.

Mr. Kadhim was No. 4 in his line.

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Riaz S's profile photojudith violeta castillo gonzales's profile photoRock X Loose's profile photokevin Z's profile photo
What is the music calles please ? paece
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Ukraine Says Russian Forces Lead Major New Offensive

Tanks, artillery and infantry have crossed from Russia into an unbreached part of eastern Ukraine in recent days, attacking Ukrainian forces and causing panic and wholesale retreat not only in this small border town but a wide swath of territory, in what Ukrainian and Western military officials are calling a stealth invasion.

The attacks outside this city and in an area to the north essentially have opened a new, third front in the war in eastern Ukraine between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists, along with the fighting outside the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk.

Exhausted, filthy and dismayed, Ukrainian soldiers staggering out of Novoazovsk for safer territory said Tuesday that the forces coming from Russia had treated them like cannon fodder. As they spoke, tank shells whistled in from the east and exploded nearby.

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Accounts from retreating Ukrainian soldiers corroborated assertions by Western officials that Russian forces had crossed the border.
Malikumair Malik's profile photoRoman Pawlowicz's profile photoYitzchak Baruch Fishel's profile photoDebra Nester's profile photo
now it seems as if they are coming back...
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The New York Times

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Times Editorial Board: Why we can't endorse Gov. Cuomo in the Democratic primary

More than four years ago, while announcing his campaign for governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo stood in front of the Tweed Courthouse in downtown Manhattan and said Albany’s antics “could make Boss Tweed blush.”

New York had had enough corruption, he said, and he was going to put a stop to it. “Job 1 is going to be to clean up Albany,” he said, “and make the government work for the people.”

Mr. Cuomo became governor on that platform and recorded several impressive achievements, but he failed to perform Job 1. The state government remains as subservient to big money as ever, and Mr. Cuomo resisted and even shut down opportunities to fix it. Because he broke his most important promise, we have decided not to make an endorsement for the Democratic primary on Sept. 9.

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Because Andrew Cuomo failed to keep his most important campaign promise and Zephyr Teachout lacks political experience, The Times will not make an endorsement in the Democratic primary for governor.
ken trust's profile photoChris Kim A's profile photoTadas Zukas's profile photoRegina Hayes's profile photo
Hsne almouslame 
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Russia Moves Artillery Units Into Ukraine, NATO Says

The Russian military has moved artillery units manned by Russian personnel inside Ukrainian territory in recent days and is using them to fire at Ukrainian forces, NATO officials said on Friday.

The West has long accused Russia of supporting the separatist forces in eastern Ukraine, but this is the first time it has said it had evidence of the direct involvement of the Russian military.

The Russian move represents a significant escalation of the Kremlin’s involvement in the fighting there and comes as a convoy of Russian trucks with humanitarian provisions has crossed into Ukrainian territory without Kiev’s permission.

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NATO officials said the artillery units, staffed by Russian personnel, were moved into Ukraine recent days and being used to fire at Ukrainian forces.
peter k's profile photoRobyn Day's profile photoYitzchak Baruch Fishel's profile photoNEWS-LINK's profile photo
Order to avoid WW.ll Mr. Chamberlain with good intentions, ceded the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis, this could not prevent the war.
Western countries now allow Crimea is part of Ukraine is occupied by Russia. More alarming is the news, not to RUSSIA reaches you, intends to submit to Ukraine.
The geopolitical interests of Russia and the inaction of the Western powers is very similar to the policy of Mr. Chamberlain.
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The Secret Casualties of Iraq’s Abandoned Chemical Weapons

From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

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Secret Service Director Julia Pierson to Resign

Julia Pierson, the director of the Secret Service, is resigning in the wake of several security breaches, according to administration officials.

The resignation came less than a day after lawmakers from both parties assailed Ms. Pierson’s leadership and said they feared for the lives of the president and others in the protection of the agency.

A 30-year veteran of the Secret Service, Ms. Pierson was supposed to have been the one to repair the agency’s reputation after scandals that raised questions about a culture that gave rise to incidents involving drinking and prostitution during overseas trips.

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Julia Pierson has been rocked by serious allegations that her agents and officers have not been performing their primary job competently.
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+John Flori Обама ошибка природы!!!
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The New York Times

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Joan Rivers Hospitalized in New York

oan Rivers was hospitalized in New York on Thursday morning after she was unconscious and unresponsive and had gone into cardiac arrest, law enforcement officials told The New York Times. Ms. Rivers, 81, the brassy, pioneering comedian and host of the E! series “Fashion Police,” was brought to Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan by emergency workers who responded at 201 East 93rd Street at 9:40 a.m.

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The comedian was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital after going into cardiac arrest, the police said.
jeremie mulwa's profile photoMahinda k.premasiri's profile photoAmarilis Peña's profile photoYitzchak Baruch Fishel's profile photo
We miss ya Joan!
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The New York Times

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Steven Sotloff's Mother Issues Appeal to ISIS Leader

The mother of an American hostage being held by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria released an emotional video appeal to his captors on Wednesday. Shirley Sotloff, the mother of the 31-year-old freelance journalist Steven J. Sotloff, addressed her plea directly to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS and the self-declared caliph of the Muslim world.

Ms. Sotloff addresses Mr. Baghdadi as caliph and calls on him to exercise his right to show clemency, as other previous caliphs have, stretching back to the immediate successors of the Prophet Muhammad.

“I am sending this message to you, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Quraishi al-Hussaini, the caliph of the Islamic State. I am Shirley Sotloff. My son Steven is in your hands,” she begins. “You, the caliph, can grant amnesty. I ask you please to release my child,” she continues. “I ask you to use your authority to spare his life.”

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Shirley Sotloff, whose son Steven, a freelance journalist, is being held by ISIS, broke her silence to appeal directly to the group’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Barbara Corrigan's profile photoRonald Johnson's profile photoYitzchak Baruch Fishel's profile photoDagim Daniel's profile photo
I pray Allah gives you the strength to somehow overcome this tragic loss. A mother’s love for her child will never cease.  
The creator has created us all equal but the evil in the hearts and minds for some is their own doings.  This savagery is not the conduct of true believers of Islam. A faithful Muslim always interprets the Holy Quran to do good and righteous deeds no matter the circumstance.  The Holy prophet Muhammad confronted with the pagans in his life time. The acts of killing their children, beating the women and disregard for human life are their cultural inheritance.
   My family and Imam have always preached goodness and love to one another. Your son will always be in our prayer. May Allah bless him with junnath (paradise?) 
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Emmys 2014: Live Blog

Industry buzz and speculation gives way to hard facts Monday night at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, where the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards, recognizing television’s best, are being presented.

Will an upstart like “Orange Is the New Black” or “Silicon Valley” end the four-year reign of ABC’s “Modern Family” as television’s top comedy? On the drama side, can any show or actor upset the expected coronation of the final season of AMC’s “Breaking Bad” and its star, Bryan Cranston?

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U.S. Commandos Tried to Rescue James Foley and Other Hostages

A United States Special Operations team tried and failed to rescue James Foley and other Americans held hostage in Syria during a secret mission earlier this summer authorized by President Obama, senior administration officials said Wednesday.

A day after Sunni militants posted a video showing Mr. Foley being beheaded, officials described what they called a “complicated operation” in which several dozen commandos were dropped into a remote area of Syria where American intelligence agencies believed several hostages were being held.

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+jessica sorgh hiiiiiiiiiii hous umźź dd 
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