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Oil & Gas Impact Report

This County Impact Report (CIR) was prepared in 2002 to identify the potential impacts to and mitigation measures for specific resources in La Plata County from the anticipated development of coal bed methane (CBM). The resources addressed were selected based on the goals and objectives defined by La Plata County. The CIR covers a study area defined by La Plata County and is based on the maximum number of Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) established well windows within the study area. With these parameters, it is anticipated that about 318 additional CBM wells could be drilled in the study area. Of these 318 CBM wells, up to 194 could occur on private lands. These wells would be in addition to the 285 existing (as of 2002) CBM, conventional gas, and disposal wells within the study area.

Photo La Plata County scenery