Sierra Club Programs

A section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall entering the sea
More than 600 miles of border walls and barriers have been constructed in all four southern border states. This reckless project has meant dire consequences for vast expanses of pristine wild lands, including wildlife refuges, wilderness areas, and national forests. The threat of a mandate to build hundreds of miles of additional wall continues to loom in Congress.This site is under construction - pardon our dust!  Please click here:
Corrupting corporate money pouring into our government. Assaults on the right to vote. Gridlock and obstruction in Washington. There’s no question -- our democracy is in trouble. To protect our environment, we must protect our democracy.
Un recurso del Sierra Club para la comunidad latina sobre el medio ambiente y la salud de su familia.
To discuss and explore the linkages between environmental quality and social justice, and to promote dialogue, increased understanding and appropriate action.
Power Generation
The Sierra Club is the nation's leader in grassroots environmental litigation. We enforce the environmental laws and target the most pressing issues of our generation, such as climate change, fracking and tar sands, through strategic legal advocacy at the federal, state and local level nationwide.
family sunset
The Global Population and Environment Program's mission is to protect the global environment and preserve natural resources for future generations by advancing global reproductive health and sustainable development initiatives.
$1 Million of $500 Million
The Sierra Club works with grassroots partners across the globe to build awareness, strengthen local voices, and transition international public finance beyond dangerous fossil fuels and toward a safe and sustainable future with clean energy access for all.
Sierra Club Stands with Workers
The Sierra Club has a long history of solidarity with the labor movement.  We work with labor because we can’t win alone; we need millions of working families to help us end climate disruption and build a clean energy economy that works for all. 
Sierra Club Stands with Workers
The Sierra Club has a long history of solidarity with the labor movement. We work with labor because we can’t win alone; we need millions of working families to help us end climate disruption and build a clean energy economy that works for all. And for the clean energy economy to work for the planet and its people, working people and communities must have a strong voice in making work safe, healthy and fair.
A nuclear power plant
The Sierra Club remains unequivocally opposed to nuclear energy. Although nuclear plants have been in operation for less than 60 years, we now have seen three serious disasters. Tragically, it took a horrific disaster in Japan to remind the world that none of the fundamental problems with nuclear power have ever been addressed.
The Sierra Club will promote leaders who take bold action on climate and clean energy, and expose those who still choose toxic money over human health.
Sierra Club Trade
The Sierra Club's Responsible Trade Program has shed a light on the environmental threats posed by our current global trading system for more than two decades. We believe that trade done right can promote broadly shared prosperity while protecting workers and the environment. We work to ensure that U.S. trade policy supports, rather than undermines, communities, workers, the environment, and the climate.
Use Choice for Change
The Sierra Club collaborates with a range of mission-aligned partners to utilize business as a force for environmental good.
Toxic chemical pollution threatens the environment and people in communities around the world. The Toxics Program addresses national, regional, state, local and international issues. Reducing exposure to hazardous substances protects families and wildlife, and improves our water quality and neighborhoods. Click here to find information about current activities as well as national policies and fact sheets on toxics issues.
Michigan's Menominee River, bordering Wisconsin north of the Sixty Islands, taken June 2007.
The best way to defend our waterways is to empower committed local activists with accurate information and train them in water-quality monitoring techniques and grassroots advocacy. Standing knee-deep in the local waters they love is a powerful position from which to advocate for the strongest protections and proactive changes. That's what we do. Let us show you how!