Guest column

Tester doesn't represent environmental interests

2014-12-02T06:30:00Z Tester doesn't represent environmental interestsBILL BAUM
December 02, 2014 6:30 am  • 

Not ever hearing back from our U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., in answer to my latest e-mail to him, I am writing this opinion in order to have his local staff person send it to him. He tells me he does receive and read them.

Dear Jon:

I hope you are well in preparation for your new role as a minority member of the U.S. Senate. I actively wrote in support of any and all real Democrats who shared my vision and mission.

It has been several years since you provided me with your personal e-mail addresses for your home and U.S. Senate office. For many years since I now must go through the screening and filtering process for e-mails intended for you and only receive replies back from your staff anymore. I miss the good old days when I could be in touch and you personally answered me.

What I need from you now is the names of other U.S. senators and House members who share my interests and might be willing to represent those interests - since you do not. Namely: Defense of wildlife in their national forest habitat from hunting and trapping and logging; support and enforcement of the Endangered Species Act; understanding science and saving the planet we all must live on through the reduction of global warming from CO2 and CH4 greenhouse gases; abandoning the Keystone XL pipeline and mining "dirty" Montana coal and fracking; et al.

These are my personal missions but you do not share my goals or hear my voice, so I need to find someone in Congress who does. Are you willing to help me?

I have split with the few environmental organizations who have abandoned their moral compass and original ideological stances and who now prefer to rub shoulders with you for the fame it brings them rather than be true to my causes they once stood for. I remain connected to the true environmental groups that you never consult with or bring into your decision-making process. You call us “fringe extremists” for wanting to care about wildlife and save the planet. That is not very collaborative of you, even among your own Democratic Party loyalists.

News coming out of Washington, D.C., from prominent journalists is that you are being labeled as a conservative Democrat. My feelings are they got that wrong -- you are actually a moderate Republican who could not win a Republican primary election against conservative Republicans so you ran as a Democrat and won that primary election using your natural charm and charisma.

Very clever of you because it gained you the Democratic vote, due to the “D” next to your name, while retaining the moderate Republican vote, since they know one when they see one, and you did a good job of winning enough independent votes to win the general election against all of the conservative Republicans. Congratulations!

For my personal benefit, please supply the names and e-mail addresses of those politicians who share my core belief system. I need to find those who care what I think. Thanks, senator.

Bill Baum writes from Badrock Canyon in Flathead County, where he is a teacher, writer, Realtor and wildlife advocate.

Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(5) Comments

  1. gato
    Report Abuse
    gato - December 02, 2014 4:59 pm
    Caught that in a micro second. HOWEVER, check out the website "FuelFix, is it fracking or fracing". Google seems to have solved the dilemma.
  2. Faxnlogicovremotnlhystria
    Report Abuse
    Faxnlogicovremotnlhystria - December 02, 2014 4:42 pm
    The uneducated comment wasn't directed at the spelling, but at the blatant misunderstanding of fossil fuels. Producing oil in eastern Montana is more environmentally friendly than building solar panels, built from a future rare-earth mineral open pit mine, in the headwaters of the last alluvial arctic grayling waters in the lower 48.
  3. Rabbit-brush
    Report Abuse
    Rabbit-brush - December 02, 2014 11:37 am
    Hydraulic fracturing is typically spelled 'fracking' -- look it up before you call others 'extremely uneducated.' If you need help with that, here's an industry website to check out:
  4. Faxnlogicovremotnlhystria
    Report Abuse
    Faxnlogicovremotnlhystria - December 02, 2014 9:07 am
    The letter writer is extremely uneducated on natural resource extraction. Fracing (there is no 'k' in 'fracture') could put 'dirty' coal out of business. The shale revolution could bring us energy independence, help the environment, return manufacturing to our country, and produce prosperity for many. It is hard to protect the environment without the funds to do so.
    The great things that are possible with oil and clean natural gas production are being realized. So called environmentalists need to get out of the way of progress. Fraced and horizontally drilled well pads produce as much energy as 400 acres of bird-chopping wind farms.
  5. Faxnlogicovremotnlhystria
    Report Abuse
    Faxnlogicovremotnlhystria - December 02, 2014 8:57 am
    Testers job is to represent Montanas interest. Therefore he should represent the interests of the real 'environmentalists'; ranchers, farmers, hunters, fishermen, and other outdoorsmen. Yuppy urbanites litigating with trust fund money, no outdoor experience and no skin in the game are not environmentalists.
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