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McKibben award and announcement in Bloomberg

December 2, 2014

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Post Carbon Fellow Bill McKibben’s announcement that he is to step down as chair of 350.org was reported in Bloomberg. McKibben made the announcement from Sweden where he was a recipient of a Right Livelihood Award.

From the article:

“If this sounds dramatic, it’s not,” McKibben wrote in a letter to supporters sent from Sweden, where he is receiving the Right Livelihood Award from Parliament. “I will stay on as an active member of the board, and 90 percent of my daily work will stay the same, since it’s always involved the external work of campaigning, not the internal work of budgets and flow charts.”

McKibben, 53, has led 350.org since he co-founded it in 2007. The group gets its name from a comment by climate scientist James Hansen, who has said the world needs to cut carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million to avoid dangerous alterations to the climate. Current levels exceed that limit.

Read McKibben’s award acceptance speech

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