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Stephanie Mills
Fellow, Biodiversity & Bioregionalism
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Stephanie Mills is a renowned author and lecturer on bioregionalism, ecological restoration, community economics, and voluntary simplicity. Her books include Tough Little Beauties (2007), Epicurean Simplicity (2002), and Turning Away from Technology (1997). An ecological activist for over 30 years, she has written or edited six books and countless articles, and edited a number of publications including Earth Times and CoEvolution Quarterly. Stephanie has lectured at numerous institutions, including the E.F. Schumacher Society, the Chicago Academy of Sciences, and the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

In her 1969 college commencement address Stephanie decried overpopulation and natural resource exploitation, and vowed to never have children — a statement The New York Times called “perhaps the most anguished…of the year’s crop of valedictory speeches.” In 1996 she was named by Utne Reader as one of the world’s leading visionaries. Stephanie lives in Northwest Lower Michigan.

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