Remembering Rick Piltz


We provide here a listing of notable blog posts, articles and other statements about Rick Piltz published since 18 October 2014. We will update this list regularly, so check back.  Material is listed in reverse chronological order.  If you wish to alert us to something not on our list, please submit a link to the item by using our "Leave a Comment Feature."

Rick Piltz accepting The Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling in 2006.  Source: The Ridenhour Prizes.

Rick Piltz accepting The Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling in 2006. Source: The Ridenhour Prizes.

Tribute to Rick Piltz by Louis Clark, President of the Government Accountability Project.  Remarks delivered on November 16, 2014 at the Piltz Memorial Service held at the World Wildlife Fund headquarters, Washington, D.C.

Rick Piltz Dies at 71; Quit Bush White House Over Climate Policy.  By Douglas Martin, New York Times, 23 October 2014.

Whistleblower Who Exposed White House Tampering with Climate Science Dies.  By Paul Thacker in Scientific American's Guest Blog.

Rick S. Piltz, whistleblower on federal climate policy, dies at 71.  By Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post, 21 October 2014.

Democracy Now, 21 October 2014 (video).  One minute segment (at 14:00) on Rick Piltz.

In Memoriam: Rick Piltz, Climate Science Champion and Bush-Era Whistleblower.  By Louis Clark, Government Accountability Project, 20 October 2014.

A Man For All Seasons: Remembering Rick Piltz, Climate Science Whistleblower.  By Joe Romm, Climate Progress, 20 October 2014.

Remembering Rick Piltz -- Whistleblower and Climate Science Advocate.  By Connor Gibson, The Environmentalist blog of Greenpeace, 20 October 2014.

Remembering Rick Piltz, Scientific Integrity Advocate, by Michael Halpern, The Equation blog at the Union of Concerned Scientists, 20 October 2014.

The Face of Courage.  By D.R. Tucker, Political Animal blog at The Washington Monthly, 19 October 2014.

A Passing: Rick Piltz, a Bush-Era Whistleblower.  By Andrew Revkin, Dot Earth blog at The New York Times, 19 October 2014.

Rick Piltz.  By Reverend Billy Talen on his blog, 18 October 2014,

Rick Piltz of Climate Science Watch has Died.  By Eli Rabbett at Rabbett Run, 18 October 2014.

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5 Responses to Remembering Rick Piltz

  1. Anne Polansky says:

    Also -- UCS tribute by Michael Halpern with a great quote from good friend Brenda Ekwurzel, also Alden Meyer --
    A nicely written post by Alleen Brown in the new online publication The Intercept (Glenn Greenwald's new home) -

  2. bobarl says:

    Rick Piltz will be surely missed by the growing number of people who are worried about the ever-increasing disaster of climate change. He saw what the Bush-Cheney was doing in minimizing the issue and he quit his important job in the Bush Administration because he just could not take any further the lies that were being broadcast by the White House on climate change. He then helped start Climate Science Watch to provide a place where people could get the real information on what was needed in view of all the misinformation being broadcast by fossil fuel producers and also some in Congress who may be gaining monetarily by denying the science. Rick will be missed by people like me who saw the impending problem of our changing climate. I hope Climate Science Watch will continue by others like Rick who also know what climate change can bring in the future.

  3. David Goodrich says:

    "Rest in peace" probably doesn't fit Rick well. It seems incompatible with such passion and courage. I like to think that it brought him a little smile to see 400,000 in the streets of Manhattan last month.

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