An Off-Duty Police Officer Shot and Killed an Unarmed Man in Oak Cliff Last Night

Categories: Crime

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This is the Oak Cliff block that police say the 911 call came from that lead to an officer shooting a man.
Off-duty Dallas police officer Antonio Hudson shot and killed Andrew Scott Gaynier, who was unarmed, in an Oak Cliff street on Sunday night after the Gaynier apparently charged the officer, according to police.

A little after 6 p.m., Hudson responded to a 911 dispatch about a man "walking up and down the street making lewd comments to females," according to a police statement. The officer drove to the location and found Gaynier, who fit dispatch's description.

According to police, Hudson saw Gaynier try to get into a moving vehicle with a family inside. "The officer made contact with the suspect out of concern for the safety of the family," police said. "The officer gave loud verbal commands, but the suspect refused to comply."

WFAA reports, using an unnamed source, that the man shouted "Shoot me!" twice, made a "war cry" and then "rushed" the officer. The same source told the station the officer shot the man four times, three times in the chest and once in the arm. Gaynier was pronounced dead at Methodist Hospital, according to police.

See also:
- Dallas Police's Final, Fatal Encounter with a Schizophrenic
- Dallas' "Cooling-Off" Period For Cops Who Shoot People Probably a Bad Idea, Research Suggests

Hudson, who was not injured, will be placed on administrative leave.

Beyond the statement they released, police declined to comment specifically about the shooting.

Send your story ideas to the author, Sky Chadde.


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i was there Andrew had his shirt off, he notice a guy fellow him, that was so as Andrew walk faster guy the car speed up(like stocker) this made Andrew freaky out as Andrew ran the off duty police gave chase in his car, Officer never got off car until he pull out his gun,  shot Andrew , but Andrew was try to tell the driver of car call police becuse some guy was give chase him, officer (killer) said fast stop im the law as Andrew trun around cop shot him and Andrew said " you shot me" out load, the officer  keep shooting at him to finish the job, as Andrew was get shot he ran like towers the officer because his body took him that way (like when you cut a head of chicken)  Yes the cry was load " of so much pain" clearly  the offer was a good mark man lot hours in shooting range, and officer will built from working out, poor andrew did have on kind of training to see that car follow him was cop, If Andrew was train to identifind a off duty police he would have put his hand up and stop running would be gland to see the officer, the car did have no kind of label saying im oak cliff security neighborhood watch dog, these off duty officer security  grand wait to you do crime, so they can use there gun, they fellow you like stockier, and person being followed think your trying to robed them so they go on attack mold not knowing that guy in car just the watch dog, this cop smiled all way to bank, and on Monday is call a hero as walk in head quater and get the 200 dollars he bated his cowork he will kill one before he dose after that he goes to his sarge and close the door tell him I GOT ME ONE!!!!! If the officer had patrol dpd car Andrew would be like im being fellow by dpd i ll put my hand up, now i got my shirt off this cop will clearly see im not armed the officer can ask me if im the one make lewed comments, or if there a witness around, poor Andrew got kill over whistle at girl, not even officer on duty would took this call, there worst criminal out there, this officer saw small guy who clearly did have nothing on him becuse his shirt was off and it was the bright day ever of summer no cloud in sky it 6pm the time that sun all out.... God bliss America " will i die or go to jail Today"

Dude, if you say to a cop "shoot me" then charge at him yelling war cries like you're auditioning for 300 you're going to get shot. Stupid stupid stupid man.


He wasn't violent.  He tried to open a car door on a moving vehicle....the car had auto locks.  The family was safe....the vehicle was moving...although slowly....but moving.  He was not trying to carjack anyone.  He tried to open the door and it didn't open.  There was a jogger on the street who saw it.


So what time should we expect the RIOTS to begin ???? You know like in Missouri


He shot the guy outside my home... The guy has a nice wrap sheet BTW - felony burglary and assault.  He could have hurt that family he was trying to jack the van from.  Then what would you say?

RTGolden1 topcommenter

Apparently there is video of the event.  That should answer some of the questions.

As to whether or not he had reason to escalate, I'm sure everyone's answer to that will be different.  I'm certain those who are browbeating the officer over this would sing a different tune had it been their van, with their family in it, that Gaynier tried to enter.


lebowski, you should move into the ranks of homeowner. many homeowners pool funds and hire off duty police officers to patrol the neighborhood. they patrol in uniform and in a police car. what makes you highly suspicious is simply your ignorance.


What the hell is an off duty cop doing responding to 911 calls? That alone makes me highly suspicious of the cop as a nutso vigilante. Also that bit whet he just blasts people.


Why is the standard for deadly force lower for law enforcement than for the average citizen?


That's not quite the block where the shooting took place, it was actually a couple of streets over, and closer to 12th.  


Don't charge at a cop? Would rather a stun gun or something, maybe, but I don't fault the cop here at all - never know what kind of weapon someone could have on them.


Were you honestly there?? Please......I have to know!! And did you talk to the police?!! What color shirt did he have on? Why was he talking to the people in the van? How long was the officer following him? They said the officer WAS in a marked car but you said he wasn't. What kind of car was the office in? Did he turn his lights or siren on? And what about the guy that was jogging and said Andrew rushed the officer. Was there a jogger? Were there other people out? What happened with the people in the van? Did they talk to officer and why didn't they just press on the gas and get out of there.....if they were scared?

d.pollock94 Umm you're the stupid stupid man because Suicide by cop is Illegal they are not allowed to shoot you if you ask them! That is why they have TASER GUNS !!! but from all the recent police killing innocent people you would think they dont have tasers anymore because they dont use them


Dude your a stupid stupid man. Andy didn't deserve to be murdered. You dont know what you don't know....Please don't give an opinion on a topic you clearly know nothing about


@sugarlandmom99 No. He rushed the cop. If you do that and don't get to the policeman before he draws his gun bad things happen to you. As they should. I would rather this man not die but I would rather he die than a policeman.


@unclescrappy ummm this dude went yelling at a cop "shoot me" Black males like Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin only crime is being black and minding their business.


Outside YOUR home......right! Rap have absolutely no idea what that is in regards to! Media sensationalism for #1. Pushing someone who called his mom a super B?!## for starters. Now......really he was a real badass right??. and that muscle bound cop was a vigilante sounds like!


@raventx He didn't carjack a car.  He tried to open a car door.  Did you see it happen?  

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter


It's not.  I think that you are referring to "benefit of the doubt".

The only standard that is definitely different for the police is that they may use deadly force to protect someone other than themselves.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@MeanGreen This shooting sounds like "suicide by cop".


You are an idiot! He did NOT rush the stupid cop.......he cop shot him and he cried out loud in pain and his body moved forward due to the shock of being shot.......he had NO WEAPON you moron.....the family was NOT in danger for gods sake they were in a locked vehicle and why didn't they punch thedgas pedal if they were scared.....they were actually going to help Andrew until they realized it was a cop behind them! That is what scared them! Hope you don't have any family members die! Karma .......well you know what they say.......


@h_rembert @unclescrappy 

Yep.  Brown just minding his own business...  smoking his stolen cigars...  with his accomplice.  was definitely going to pay that shopkeeper back when his welfare check arrived...



If the average citizen shoots someone unarmed they will be prosecuted every time; this is not the case with DPD and other area law enforcement agencies.

You are mistaken, an armed citizen may defend others as well if the other person's life is in danger.

Actually, the original question should have been why is the standard for deadly force applied differently for law enforcement than the average citizen.


Unnamed sources would like for everyone to believe that...


@A100 @dndrko @sugarlandmom99 All policeman have a sworn duty to protect the public and enforce the law at all times, even when off duty and out of uniform. And something is broken on your keyboard. You should get that fixed.


@voice-of-reason the cop didnt stop him because of the cigars. and if he did, wasnt his life worth more than a pack of cigars? wasnt he supposed to get due process? I guess not because black men arent human to you. its clear thats what it is in this country.


@tejarain2000 @h_rembert @unclescrappy  yeah we got that thug super strength that can kill with one punch. You have to kill a black man if he seems aggresive. theres no other way to stop him. thugs... wow. You probably got some thug music in your phone though.



"If the average citizen shoots someone unarmed they will be prosecuted every time;"

Not true.


@h_rembert   Show me where I said the cop stopped him for the cigars...  never happened.  Intelligent people just aren't going to buy the "minding their business" angle, after he just robbed (and assaulted) someone else's actual business.  Kapeesh?

As for his life's worth...  do you think that was the first and only time he'd ever broken the law?  I can't wait for your excuses on that one!


@voice-of-reason welfare check? you do realize there are more white people on welfare than black. Also this 18 year old kid was going to start COLLEGE the day before he was murdered.


@tejarain2000 BTW Zimmerman wasnt a cop. he called the cops. they told him back off. he didnt. then he killed a kid.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

@tdkisok @laked3 

They will however, always have the case go before the grand jury.

If it was a good shoot, this helps to protect the shooter.

The police do investigate shootings by an officer even if the officer fired and missed.


@voice-of-reason @h_rembert Excuses? There lies the difference in perspective, which is the issue at hand. You see my reasoning as excuses, I see it as human rights. Mike Brown had the right to due process cigars or no. thug or not. Innocent until proven guilty? Right to a lawyer? The guy who gunned down a theater full of people during a Batman movie was taken alive. The Boston bombers were taken alive. I understand your perspective completely. We are not human and dont deserve human rights. This is a fact that hopefully all Black people in America will realize soon.


@h_rembert And your point is?????  I wouldn't make excuses for any whites on welfare, that did what Brown did...  why do you feel you need to do it for blacks?  They all get equal treatment from me.

Also, if as you say, Brown was supposed to start college (on the gov't teat, I'm sure) the DAY BEFORE...  maybe he should've been doing his homework, instead of committing theft and assault.


@h_rembert @voice-of-reason Boston bombers taken alive, you say???  One of the guys  was killed at the scene, and the other was wounded and in critical condition when he was captured.  See?  You don't have any idea what you are talking about...  and you sure don't let any FACTS get in the way, do you?  Indeed, you and I do have a difference in perspective...  I use Facts, and you use BS.  Now, if you were to admit you were wrong, maybe I could start to trust you...  but I'm sure you'll ignore it, the same way you ignore everything that doesn't support your point of view.


@voice-of-reason BTW how can you do homework if you are on summer vacation and you start school the next day? Anything to make the victim the villain...


@voice-of-reason But the Batman shooter was alive right? I mean he gunned down a theater full of innocents. You're correct, one of the Boston bombers was killed. I used those guys as an extreme example. I would never equate Mike Brown to a DOMESTIC TERRORIST but... I know for a FACT that I live in a country that hates me. I know for a FACT that Mike Brown is dead and you dont care. What fact do you have that shows Mike Brown was given the chance to speak his side of the story in front of a jury of his peers. Human rights. But again its BS because I don't deserve human rights and neither does any black man. I understand you completely "voice of reason".


@h_rembert @voice-of-reason You are the one who said he started the "day before"...  now you say the "next day"...                    you can't even get your own version straight.  Next!


@h_rembert @voice-of-reason Actually, I don't think you understand very much at all.  You are on a web page comment board for an article about a Black Cop shooting an "unarmed" White Dumbass.  The White Dumbass blew his chance at any of his "due process"...  just like the Black Dumbass (Brown) did.  I don't make excuses for either of them...  like you want to do (only) for Brown.  BTW, I don't hate you...  and I don't see how you think the country hates Black People...  since Obama got plenty of non-Black votes.  I think you are influenced by people around you, who think the same way as you do...  and maybe you should break away from them for a while and approach (with a smile and respect, mind you) some working-class types with an open mind.


Voice of reason???. REALLY!!! More like Voice of an Idiot!


@voice-of-reason @h_rembert 1. the top commenter referenced "riots" first, he brought Mike Brown into the conversation. 2. at no point did I ever say that this guy didnt deserve his due process I said he said "shoot me" Mike Brown had his hands up surrendering and still was shot in the head execution style(one of 6 shots).

dude.. you really love to be bigoted but not admit to it. its really confusing. Mike Brown is on welfare, I dont know any "working class types". how do you know that? How do you know that I dont approach everyone with a smile and respect, because I do. I even respect you, even though you resort to name calling like a 3rd grader. I am an Art Director for a national advertising agency in NYC. What do you do? You should just be real with yourself. You don't view blacks as humans who deserve basic rights. 


@h_rembert @voice-of-reason

Come on, Hank...  what name calling are you talking about?  I used "dumbass" as a label for people who battle cops without thinking they're going to get shot.  My next step would be to remove the color from the description, since it doesn't matter to me if you are a white dumbass or a black dumbass...  you deserve to get shot in those situations.  I'm not going to go out of my way to honor them with a courtesy they've forfeited through their lawlessness. 

There is no evidence to support your "execution style" comment...  but, hey, I'm sure that won't stop you from another erroneous claim.  Truly, you love creative writing.

I'm happy for you...  that you have a successful business.  I am a bit worried, what with your power to influence through advertising, and your predisposition for imaginary nationwide hatred, that your skills will ultimately be used for chaos...  rather than order.

In closing, I can assure you that I do view blacks as humans.  Now, I admit I am having a hard time thinking of them as rational...  mostly due to the post board comments of people like you.


You say he was surrendering, with no evidence. Others say he was charging after he had already fractured the officers eye socket, grabbed for his gun which went off, and was told to freeze while the officer was alone and outnumbered. He lost his chance at due process when he stole and did this. Just depends what you want to believe. make it pretty clear you have racial issues.

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