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Things To Do In Dallas Tonight: Dec. 4

Usher, performing at the NBA All-Star Game at the then Cowboys Stadium; February 2010. Courtesy the artist.
Usher, performing at the NBA All-Star Game at the then Cowboys Stadium; February 2010. Courtesy the artist.

The greatest anomaly of 2014 award has to go to Serial, that’s the profane and obsessive offshoot of This American Life. The program utilizes the Dickensian form of the radio serial, a style long thought abandoned in the early-to-mid 20th century. I was on the fence about this seemingly morbid dissection of a closed murder case in late 90s Baltimore, that is until I listened further. The story unfolds as sort of an In Cold Blood for the Spotify generation, as it features much airtime for a convicted murderer, while also exploring the possibilities that he may be innocent.

If you’re caught up to at least episode 8, Sundown at Granada will host a listening event for the new episode (10) tonight. They will also replay Episode 9 to kick things off. That’s at 7 pm this evening, and seating is limited, so arrive early.

Following the event at Sundown, you could walk across the street to Vagabond to perhaps shake off the lingering feelings of curiosity or depression that the podcast is likely to stir, in order to catch a live set by The Buick 6. But then again, they’re a Dylan cover band, so you may be out of luck should they tackle “Idiot Wind” or “Abandoned Love.” The band is fronted by the Ticket’s Mike Rhyner, so perhaps his comedic genius will balance things out. Blood on the tracks, indeed. That’s at 8:30 pm this evening. I recommend dinner if you have the time. They have a terrific veggie burger.

Finally, Usher will be at the American Airlines Center, which is downright spoiling this city on big pop acts. We just had Justin Timberlake yesterday. I wish he’d hurry up and release his new album already, but when you’re a star of his magnitude, you can pretty much do whatever you want. I caught him at the NBA All-Star Game in 2010, and he lives up to his incredible hype.

For more things to do, go here.