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August 13, 2013 – eFiling and eComment are now compliant with Internet Explorer v10

IMPORTANT - READ BEFORE YOU BEGIN: After you submit an eComment request, you will receive an email from ferc.gov with a link to the comment system. Your system must not block emails from ferc.gov.

Please create your comments in a Word or Text file (up to 6,000 characters) before you begin, then copy/paste them in the eComment Text Box to avoid time-out limits. The application will time-out after 35 minutes of inactivity.

If you are not filing as an individual or if you are filing a motion to intervene, you must have an eRegistration account and use the Commission's efiling system.

FERC's eComment Option is limited to individuals filing up to 6,000 characters of text-only comments on their own behalf in the following proceedings:

  • Hydroelectric License/Re-license Proceedings (P - Project Number),

  • Pre-Filing Activity for Planned Natural Gas Projects (PF Docket),

  • Applications for Authorization to Construct a Natural Gas Pipeline,
  • Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) or Other Facility (CP Dockets),

  • Pre-Filing Activity for Permits to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Lines (PT Dockets), and

  • Applications for a Permit to Site Interstate Electric Transmission Lines (ET Dockets).

You must have or create a full eRegistration account (not limited to eSubscription) and use the Commission's efiling system if you are filing:

  • On behalf of a company, agency, organization, association, or other non-individual

  • A Motion to Intervene

  • Comments exceeding 6,000 characters,

  • Non-text material (exhibits, photos) or file attachments

  • Privileged or Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII).

You must use the Commission's eFiling system instead of eComment. The eFiling system requires that you have an unrestricted eRegister account.

Note: It makes no difference which system - eComments or eFiling - you use to submit comments. All comments submitted under either option are placed in the Record for the specified docket or project number(s).

FERC Online Support
Email: ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov

Telephone Numbers

Updated: November 6, 2014