Dickenson to coach Stampeders beginning in 2016

2014-12-04T18:11:00Z 2014-12-05T05:58:00Z Dickenson to coach Stampeders beginning in 2016RITA MINGO for the Calgary Herald missoulian.com
December 04, 2014 6:11 pm  • 

The lure of the job will keep John Hufnagel coaching for one more season, then he’ll hand the ball off to his offensive coordinator, former Montana Griz great Dave Dickenson.

The Calgary Stampeders’ head coach and general manager revealed on Wednesday that he will continue to occupy both positions for the 2015 CFL campaign and the following season will appoint Dickenson as the head man on the sidelines.

“I enjoy it,” Hufnagel said of coaching, three days after leading his squad to a Grey Cup championship. “I had a chat with (Stamps’ chairman) Ken King about this last year. I thought the best thing (was) to put a plan in place to protect the integrity of our football team. Dave’s an excellent football coach.

“Last year there were all kinds of head coaching jobs out there. I thought I had a pretty good football team that had a chance to do some good things this year, didn’t want to go into that season with two new co-ordinators and so I thought Ken and I came up with a nice plan that would hopefully compete for the Grey Cup but also solidify the organization overall.”

Dickenson, who enjoyed a stellar 13-year playing career prior to coaching, just finished up his fourth season as Stamps’ offensive coordinator. His name has been consistently in the mix with regard to head coaching opportunities.

But even the timing of Hufnagel’s announcement caught him a little off guard.

“He told the guys yesterday. I said ‘shoot, Huff, it would have been nice if you’d told me beforehand’,” Dickenson said jokingly. “I trust him; I think he’s done a great job. I’m not really going to get too far past next year. I believe him and if the path remains consistent that’ll happen. But in my opinion there are no guarantees in life and in football, so just go back and work hard. Then if it follows the path, great, I’ll be ready for the challenge.

“I was with a guy named Marty Schottenheimer in San Diego, a guy I respect, and after I got cut he went 14-2 and they fired him. So to me that shows you there are people above Huff and I and it’s one of those situations where if it doesn’t play out exactly, I’m not holding anyone responsible for promising this or that.”

B.C. general manager Wally Buono was expected to ask the Stamps for permission to speak with Dickenson about his own coaching vacancy and if he does, the talk will probably just be about the weather.

“I respect Wally, love what he’s done, he’s been really good to me,” Dickenson pointed out, “but I’m locked in here at Calgary and I’m very happy to do that.

“I’ve already had some players come up to me and jokingly have some questions that basically should be directed to Huff; it’s fun and games. But this is Huff’s squad and he’s done such a great job and I’m glad he’s coming back. I told him after the game, don’t do anything crazy now. Come back here. To me, he’s a guy we can all lean on and showed what a great coach he was this year.”

Unwilling to put the cart before the horse, Dickenson’s focus during this off-season will be working toward trying to keep his offense as dynamic as it was during the 2014 championship season.

“I feel next year is one of those years where you need to refocus everybody after you win,” suggested Dickenson, 41, originally from Great Falls. “Hopefully everyone is just as hungry. I think we’ll have our work cut out for us. We have good talent and we’ll be the early favorites, but that doesn’t always translate into success.”

He’s also, at this time, expecting his three quarterbacks -- Bo Levi Mitchell, Drew Tate and Bryant Moniz -- to be back in the fold.

“You can certainly make your life much easier if that position is one of your best on the field,” he said. “You can never have too many guys.”

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