MSU student injured in dorm room explosion

2014-12-04T22:07:00Z 2014-12-05T06:07:25Z MSU student injured in dorm room explosion
21 hours ago

BOZEMAN (AP) – A Montana State University student was hospitalized with burns over more than half his body after an explosion in his dorm room.

University spokesman Tracy Ellig tells The Bozeman Daily Chronicle the student and his roommate were "horsing around" in their room Thursday evening by spraying an aerosol product used to remove stuck-on chewing gum. After spraying the flammable chemical around the room, one of the students triggered the explosion with a lighter.

The blast was strong enough to set off the sprinkler system and buckle the cinderblock walls shared by neighboring rooms. Ellig says "it looked like a giant fist punched both walls on either side."

One student was hospitalized with second-degree burns, and the other refused treatment. Their names and ages have not been released.

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(2) Comments

  1. Clark Kent
    Report Abuse
    Clark Kent - 6 hours ago
    I think you nailed it.
  2. DoNotLieToMe
    Report Abuse
    DoNotLieToMe - 7 hours ago
    Butane extraction of oil from marijuana. They weren't horsing around with chewing gum remover. How ignorant are folks these days?
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