Perry Will Cement That Strong National Image If He Sends the Guard to the Border

Categories: Schutze

Orval Faubus at Central High School, taking his place in history.

The Austin American-Statesmanand The Houston Chronicle this morning are reporting that Governor Rick Perry will hold a press conference this afternoon to announce he's sending 1,000 Texas National Guard troops to the Mexican border to defend Texas against an invasion of unarmed Central American children. This, of course, goes nowhere fast, which Perry already knows.

In spite of the very strong impression Perry created in the rest of the nation in his 2012 presidential bid, most of us here in Texas know that he is not a total idiot. We must assume he or somebody on his staff knows the story of The Little Rock Nine.That means Perry knows where this is headed -- some form of federalization of the guard. The question would be why he wants to go there.

In Little Rock in 1957, as in the Detroit riot 10 years later, U.S. Army Airborne divisions showed up to make sure National Guard troops knew who they worked for -- the president of the United States, not the governor, although in the case of Detroit it should be pointed put that Governor George Romney, Mitt's father, asked the president to send in the 82nd Airborne to get the guard under control.

Little Rock was different. It was more like what we might face if Perry ever gets more than 2 inches down the road with this hairball scheme.

In September 1957, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus ordered the Guard out on a mission similar to what Perry seems to have in mind, using military might to protect the people of Arkansas from children, in that case black children trying to go to school. President Dwight Eisenhower effectively told the Guard troops they would be doing the opposite, helping the children go to school, protecting them from the people who did not want them to go to school, which is what the Guard troops did to their everlasting credit.

The Detroit instance dated from a different era in the Guard. In that case the Guard troops were trying to do the right thing but were muddying the waters and making things worse because they were terrified of all black people and couldn't shoot straight. In the current day and age, our National Guard troops are probably as battle-hardened and professional as regular Army troops.

That isn't going to be the problem. The problem is going to be what Perry wants them to do on the border. The Central American children showing up on the border are seeking out Border Patrol agents in order to turn themselves in.

U.S. Representative Joaquin Castro of San Antonio told the Chronicle this morning: "The children fleeing violence in Central America are seeking out Border Patrol agents. They are not trying to evade them. Why would Rick Perry send soldiers to confront these kids?"

Both the Statesman and Chronicle stories lay out the political background here pretty well -- Perry and Senator Ted Cruz, both running for president, locked now in in a macho contest with each other to see which one can be meaner to the border babies, egged on by Tea Party leaders spoiling for that ultimate showdown with Obama they can never quite get to.

Perry or somebody who works for him knows that the president cannot allow him to send National Guard troops to the border to thwart national policy and law. Perry knows Obama will have to send the Guard home or take over its mission. And in that Perry sees his own big payday: Here's little wimpy Ted Cruz talking about some kind of legislation he wants to pass, and there's Rick Perry with his cowboy boots back on, standing at the border like Orval Faubus in the front door of Little Rock's Central High School in '57, using troops to protect hysterical adults from children.

One thing he might think on. Faubus was actually a moderate on race and integration with a pretty decent place in history going for himself before he decided to use the National Guard to help him demagogue in the schoolhouse door. So, Governor Perry, we might just ask you: What do you think Orval Faubus' place in history is now?


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Jim, I think you have a misapprehension about the National Guard. The National Guard is a military force of the state---a state militia---under the control of the governor of Texas (by way of an appointed adjutant general).

The state constitution (Article 4, Sec. 7) calls the governor the commander-in-chief. The governor is given the "power to call forth the militia to execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions."

The only exception to the governor's power is when the militia "is called into actual service of the United States." (That's what's meant by "federalizing" the National Guard. Only the President, not the governor, can federalize the guard.)

In 1957 Faubus called up the guard to prevent black children from attending Little Rock Central High. President Eisenhower federalized the guard and put them under orders to escort the children into school and protect them. (Trust me. I was there.)

A better comparison to Perry's order today might be in 1931 when Governor Ross Sterling sent the guard into East Texas to halt oil production because they couldn't sort out the honest producers from the thieves.


The thing is, it's not like the National Guard can do that much. I know guardsmen who have had to pull this detail before. They either sit in fixed places or patrol. When they see people crossing the border they call the Border Patrol. Even if they are fired upon, they have to call people higher up in the chain to even load their weapons. So, IMO, this is just Perry wasting taxpayer money to make himself look good for the people who don't know anything about what is really happening on the border.


" the president cannot allow him to send National Guard troops to the border to thwart national policy and law."

Uninformed people should not be allowed anywhere near a keyboard.


Jim, you know damn well this isn't about "border babies".  This is about there being no border patrol left on the border because they are taking care of "border babies" instead.  There is nobody stopping all the illegal activity happening on the border now that there is no border patrol to stop it.  The ranchers living on the border in living in fucking terror and being told to look the other way by the cartels, or else.


They're not gonna be there to cause disorder, but to preserve disorder.


Now that Rick Perry is wearing the black rimmed glasses, his brilliance is even more effervescent. With any luck he will be the next Republican nominee for President of the United Baggers of America.   

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

If Perry calls them up...the state takes the nut on payment.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Schutze has a lot of immigrant-haters' twats a-flappin'......... LOL!


Wow! guess you're copying the Morning Snooze with the use of historical inflammatory images to illustrate your stories.

holmantx topcommenter

The Border Patrol took .50 Barret rifle fire from across the border on Friday.

They need help to get control of a very bad situation.  The cartels may be running the kids as a scheme to take the BP off mission.

Honduran mommas can't pay $5,000 to the Coyotes.

The BP is requesting help because our President signed the Dream Act by EO.

The 57,000 are projected to turn into 90,000 by the end of the year, and 150,000 next year.  

There comes a time when somebody has to show a little leadership.  

We are being overwhelmed at the border.


For some folks, it is always 1957.  Because if it were not, than all their cherished little orthodoxies would become irrelevant and their bold moral stance would be more a simpering cringe.


I guess the thing I've been trying to figure out since this became national when did it become popular to label everyone "heartless" who would like to see our borders enforced where you don't just get to enter this country at every other country on earth does?

We're supposed to just open our borders to anyone who wants to come here? There should be no order?

On a related note...comparing this to civil rights struggles is just absurd. I'm really starting to think Schutze is losing it.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Jim, that is really a horrible analogy to compare Faubus' use of the Guard to prevent desegregation to Perry's use of the Guard to prevent illegal immigration.

This analogy is definitely a first cousin to the wide beating question.

Besides, it is not so much the children turning themselves in as the adults who are getting by the Border Patrol.

I wonder how much drug smuggling has increased during this time period.


@Sharon_Moreanus  Money is better spent here on maintaining a total redneck appearance to solving a problem 

The last thing we want to do is look like we have an ounce of compassion and look like a state full of wussies.  We eat foreign babies and wash them down with Lone Star beer.  Farting, burping, and Obama bashing with every breath is just a way of life. 


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz You wan't to see some immigrant-haters, check out the two old broads pictured on page 1 of Saturday's DMN Metro section.  You can almost see fire coming out of their mouths.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@holmantx Jim isn't one to let a little machine gun fire from banditos deter him from scapegoating his own racism onto Republicans.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@roo_ster Oh, come on, just because most of the invaders are hard corps la raza racists doesn't mean Jim can't be on their side.  Jim only hates white racists.  Who are Republican.  Who don't have to actually be racist, just Republican.


@Rooster0620  What I have noticed is the "heartless" label is more of a badge that people decide to wear and they do so proudly. Like applauding the poor person without insurance dying in a emergency waiting room (per Republican debate) as well as the comments seem here or the one million bagger march in DC. 

Now perhaps if Iraq had their borders better enforced there would be a few hundred thousand people alive today and less loss of limbs.  Heartless. 

I am curious how the comparison to civil rights would bother someone who probably wasn't a big fan of them in the first place. 

Some of us are losing it.  Some of us have lost it.  Some of us never had it in the first place.  The person labeling you heartless can be found in your mirror.

JimSX topcommenter


Believe me, 50 years from now the Tea Party baby-haters will be viewed by history exactly as Faubus is today and for exactly the same reasons.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Jim, that is really a horrible analogy to compare Faubus' use of the Guard to prevent desegregation to Perry's use of the Guard to prevent illegal immigration

Schutze is exactly like Glenn Beck, just different sides.

Oh, and while Jim basically demonizes people, Beck's actually helping the little babies. Advantage: Beck.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


The guard will help the Feds welcome and take in the babies, that's all they can possibly do.

For some reason, some are angry over this essentially humanitarian deployment. Possibly because their hatred of Perry blinds them to facts.

holmantx topcommenter

@everlastingphelps @holmantx

The BP, nor our Guard, have any armor capable of stopping a .50 round.

It may be that some of the Mexican military units have gone rogue.

What we need is military reconnaissance units 20 miles in along the border to see what the threat is.  Or somebody is going to take a lick.

If it's cartels, we have already relaxed Posse Comitatus so the military can get involved if it's part of the drug war.

And injecting a constant stream of thousands of minors into a hot situation looks planned.

Remember, the President could stop this almost immediately by action - rescind the Dream Act and turn back everyone for immediate repatriation.

The longer he lets this go on, the more kids will die.  And they ARE dying.  

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Jim is simply a grumpy old bigot.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Some folks will just never get over the liberation of 50,000,000 people, because heartless.


1) Nobody has "called" me squat. I was just pointing out what I've been reading.

2) I am not a Republican, but I don't know I've ever read/heard of anyone "applauding people dying in emergency waiting rooms", either democrat or GOP. To say that is absolutely absurd.

3) Comparing sending troops to stop people from entering this country illegally to what happened to the CITIZENS of this country during the civil rights movement is what bothers me. The comparison demeans the struggle actual US citizens had to go through.

4) For all you know, I am Dr. King posting on the Observer webpage, and you haven't the foggiest idea my role in civil rights, but thanks for bringing YOUR preconceived biases and prejudices to the show.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


50 years from now, history will wonder how the hell anyone could consider an 18-year-old a "baby".


@TheRuddSki It is my understanding that most of these kids are turning themselves in at border crossings. They have been told that they will get a free ticket in doing this, since they are not from Mexico.

holmantx topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @holmantx

I think you've hit on the purpose of the above laffer.  

Out of ammo so you are reduced to repetitive chiming like a school yard girl.


@holmantx @everlastingphelps What you seem to be advocating is a repeat of General John Pershing's expedition.  The only real result of that was to irritate both sides of the Mexican civil war.  Another expedition like that will only serve to inflame Mexico against the Yankee imperialists, good intentions or not.


@pak152 @JimSX @ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul 

You see, that's exactly the thing. The only people who will really be hurt by all this is the black middle and underclass, and they're only valuable as the left's Palestinians, human meat sandbags weaponized to wage ideological war. So it's a win-win situation for all concerned. The left gets to bash it's enemies while getting rid of those no longer interesting black people in the process, replacing them with younger, cuter pets who make better NPR segments with their exotic, non-ebonic accents and fashionably whiter skins.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I think you can now assume that no-one crossing the border now is "from Mexico".

The kids turn themselves in ASAP, but then there's 240,000 others since October.

It's possible that the cartels, who are financially vested in this wave, might take the opportunity to smuggle while the Feds are overwhelmed with children.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Yeah, I remember the disappointment from many on the left when we took so few casualties on the way to Baghdad, and how Harry Reid offered Aid & Comfort to our enemies all too well.


@holmantx @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz  I worry about you being in the middle of h&r's mutual masturbation marathon. I hope you wear protective clothing.  BTW, you do know the R is an old self hating Jew. 

holmantx topcommenter

@MaxNoDifference @holmantx @everlastingphelps

Whatever it  takes to motivate the government of Mexico to a) stop shooting at us from the other side of the river, b) stop the military hot pursuits into Texas, and c) stop the flow of illegal immigrants who are flooding across our border.

Asking the government of Mexico to stop the above does not appear to be sufficient motivation for them to stop.

A show of force may be necessary.

primi_timpano topcommenter

Maybe the Mexican sniper thought the BP was throwing rocks at him.

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