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Your password is the first barrier to the information you store with your or account. Choose one that will be difficult for others to decipher, but easy to remember.

Here are some password tips:

What to do:

  • Use at least six characters (this is required)
  • Include punctuation marks and/or numbers.
  • Mix capital and lowercase letters.
  • Substitute numners for letter (example: '5' instead of 'S') or letters for numbers (example: 'O' instead of zero).
  • Include phonetic replacements (example: 'TufEnuf').

What not to do:

  • Don't use a password commonly used as an example.
  • Don't include personal information (your name, your birth date, etc.)
  • Don't use words that can be found in a dictionary.
  • Don't use sequential keyboard patterns (asdf) or numbers (1234).
  • Don't make your password all numbers, all uppercase or all lowercase letters.
  • Don't use repeating characters ('mmm', '333').
  • Don't share your password with others.
  • Don't write your password down, post it, carry it, or otherwise expose it to view.

You'll have to confirm your password in order to make changes to your account settings.