
austin police department

Acevedo’s remarks about McQuilliams case rile conservative bloggers
Jay Janner

Acevedo’s remarks about McQuilliams case rile conservative bloggers

On Monday, Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo gave a detailed account of the downtown shooting that left Austin police headquarters pockmarked with bullet holes, but several conservative bloggers this week were blasting Acevedo over one of his comments.

Police say the man responsible for the shooting, Larry Steven McQuilliams, aligned himself with an ultra-conservative, anti-Semitic, Christian movement called the Phineas Priesthood. McQuilliams, Acevedo said, was a homegrown extremist — just the kind of person that “keeps me up at night,” Acevedo said during the 36-minute news conference.

Supreme Court

U.S. Supreme Court to review Texas Confederate plate ruling

Updated 6:29 p.m. — 

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Friday to determine whether Texas officials acted properly when they rejected a specialty license plate displaying the Confederate battle flag.

State officials rejected the plate, proposed by the Texas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, twice in the past five years — the last time after a passionate 2011 public hearing before the state Department of Motor Vehicles governing board in which black leaders decried the flag as a racist relic that represents bigotry and repression.


season for caring

New beds have family sleeping easier since floods
Karla Held

New beds have family sleeping easier since floods

Manuela Alcantar, 76, her husband, Jose, 74, and her son, Horacio, 53, have been sleeping on mattresses that were discarded by their neighbors after Onion Creek flooded their home on Halloween 2013.

They tried to clean up the mattresses as best they could, but they haven’t slept well since that night.

On Friday, they were looking forward to their first good night’s sleep thanks to a donation of new beds from Factory Mattress.


Department of Defense

GOP senator: Obama picks Carter to lead Pentagon

Obama shakes up Pentagon leadership, not policy

The nomination of policy wonk Ashton Carter to lead the Defense Department marks the most significant change to President Barack Obama's beleaguered national security team in nearly two years. But there is little indication the shake-up portends a broader shift in administration policy — nor is it clear that Carter can break into the president's tight inner circle.

Continuing Coverage: Larry Jackson Jr. Shooting

Former police officer Kleinert pleads not guilty Jackson shooting case
Deborah Cannon

Former police officer Kleinert pleads not guilty Jackson shooting case

A former Austin police detective has pleaded not guilty to manslaughter in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man last year.

The indictment in May against Detective Charles “Trey” Kleinert in the death of Larry Jackson Jr. marked the first time in more than a decade that a Travis County grand jury charged an officer in an on-duty shooting, despite some public criticism in several other controversial cases.

More than two dozen people sat in the courtroom on Friday as Judge David Wahlberg read the indictment against Kleinert, who stood silently by his lawyers.

higher education

'Rolling Stone' Says Trust In Gang-Rape Accuser Was 'Misplaced'

Rolling Stone casts doubt on U.Va. rape story

Updated 24 mins ago — 

Rolling Stone is casting doubt on the account it published of a young woman who says she was gang-raped at a fraternity party at the University of Virginia, saying there now appear to be discrepancies in the student's account.

A statement posted to the magazine's website Friday said "our trust in her was misplaced." The lengthy article, published last month, put a spotlight on the issue of sexual assault on college campuses in the U.S. and detailed what it called a hidden culture of sexual violence at U.Va.


Austin black chamber launches #iamblackaustin campaign

Austin black chamber launches #iamblackaustin campaign

Where are all the black people in Austin?

A new social media campaign and portrait exhibit by the Greater Austin Black Chamber of Commerce is trying to answer that question.

Faced with a persistent decline in Austin’s African-American population, the Twitter campaign — #iamblackaustin — seeks to show African-Americans immersed in daily Austin life.


NASA tries again to launch new Orion spacecraft

NASA: 'There's your new spacecraft, America!"

NASA's new Orion spacecraft made a "bull's-eye" Pacific splashdown Friday following a dramatic journey 3,604 miles beyond Earth. The achievement opens a new era of human exploration aimed at putting people on Mars.

The unmanned, 4½-hour test flight set at least one record: flying farther and faster than any capsule built for humans since the Apollo moon program.

black friday shooting

Officer who killed shooter: God put me in right place at right time

The Austin police officer who shot and killed a man authorities say fired more than 200 rounds at government buildings downtown said Friday that God put him in the right place at the right time.

Speaking publicly for the first time since the shooting early Nov. 28, mounted patrol Sgt. Adam Johnson said he was proud to serve his community and applauded the city’s officers who responded to the incident.


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