
Have something to get off your chest? Don’t see an issue you care about being discussed in the news? Turn your thoughts into an opinion piece for TribTalk.

We’re looking for substantive, provocative, well-argued submissions on the wide range of subjects covered by TribTalk’s parent, The Texas Tribune, including politics, economics, public education, higher education, health care, race and immigration, transportation, energy, the environment, criminal justice — anything related to government or public policy in Texas.

We only have a few spots available each week for contributors, so here’s how to maximize your odds of being selected:

  • Have a clear, forceful opinion. Most published TribTalk pieces will state a position near the top and then make their case.
  • Keep it short. Between 500 and 700 words if written; 1-5 minutes if audio or video.
  • Be timely. Select a topic that is tightly pegged to the news or issues of the day.
  • Stick to the facts. Include hyperlinks to credible nonpartisan news sources and research publications.

Submissions should be entirely original to TribTalk (i.e., not submitted or published elsewhere, including on social media). As with all other Tribune content, TribTalk columns will be available for free syndication to any other news organization, website or blog that wants to run them. For more details, visit our terms of service and privacy policy.

Submissions will be selected at the sole discretion of TribTalk editors based on news value, timeliness and variety. They will be edited for clarity, accuracy and style, but contributors will have final say over all content.

We don’t offer compensation for publishing on TribTalk. We do offer the opportunity to help enhance civic engagement and civilize the discourse on politics and policy across Texas.

Want to write a column for us? Email a one- to three-paragraph pitch to