Explore, enjoy and protect the planet

Protect America's Arctic Ocean from oil and gas drilling once and for all!

Send a message today!

There is a 75 percent chance that one or more large oil spills will occur if Shell's Arctic drilling plans get approved.

That's right, a 75 percent chance! This is according to the Obama administration's own study. Once the oil is spilled, hundreds of miles of sea ice, dark winters, and the harsh cold will make an oil spill nearly impossible to clean up. The administration also admits that drilling "could result in the loss of large numbers of polar bears."

The government is seeking comments right now about the environmental risks associated Shell's plans for oil and gas drilling in the Chukchi Sea.

Tell the administration to halt drilling in the Arctic once and for all.

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Keep anti-environmental amendments out of the NDAA
With reauthorization of National Defense Authorization Act on the horizon, some members of the Senate and House are trying to use it overturn environmental laws.
Protect America's Arctic Ocean from gas and oil drilling once and for all!
Tell the Obama administration to protect America's Arctic Ocean and say ''no'' once and for all to Big Oil's plans to drill for oil and gas in this pristine environment.
Tell Congress: Help kids and families get healthy outdoors
Urge your representative to support the Healthy Kids Outdoors Act to help states create strategies to get our kids active, healthy and outdoors.
Tell your congressman to extend the P-T-C A-S-A-P!
Extend and renew critical renewable energy tax credits like the Production Tax Credit and the Investment Tax Credit!
Trade agreements should not be made behind closed doors.
If Congress thinks they can flood our communities with more fracking thanks to a secret trade agreement, we'd better flood their offices with messages!
Honor Buffalo Soldiers in our national parks!
Introduced in February of last year, the Buffalo Soldiers in the National Parks Study Act (S.225/H.R. 520) authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to determine the best way of commemorating the role Buffalo Soldiers played.
Keep dirty fuels in the ground
Tell President Obama to keep dirty fuels in the ground.

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