The George Washington and Jefferson National Forests are located in the western part of Virginia, extending into parts of West Virginia and Kentucky.
Where is this Forest?








November 2014 - We have completed and released the Final  Revised Land and Resource Management Plan (Revised Forest Plan) for the George Washington National Forest. We have also completed the decision on the availability of lands for oil and gas leasing. The documents listed below include the direction and analysis related to both decisions. Hard copies are in the process of being printed. A CD is also available upon request through email at or by phone at 540-265-5175. 

To download copies of the following documents, click here.

  • 2014 Revised Forest Plan - describes long-term desired conditions for the Forest, management objectives to move the Forest towards the desired conditions, and standards to control how management activities will be implemented.

  • Forest Plan Map (Alternative I) – displays the location of the management areas across the Forest.

  • Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) – documents the analysis of nine alternative means to manage the Forest. It describes the environmental effects of implementing each of the alternatives, particularly the effects on thirteen significant issues. Alternative I is the selected alternative that was developed into the Revised Forest Plan.

  • Appendices to the FEIS – provide additional detailed information on the EIS and include Appendix N that describes how we addressed the comments received after releasing the Draft Plan and Draft EIS in 2011. 

  • Record of Decision – describes the decision to implement Alternative I and the rationale for choosing that alternative over the other alternatives considered.

  • Summary of the Plan and FEIS.

  • Letter announcing the release.

This decision is subject to administrative appeal. The appeal process is described in the Record of Decision. There is a 90-day period for filing an appeal and this time period will begin when the legal notice of this decision is published in The Roanoke Times. The date of publication of this legal notice will be posted on this website. 


Additional George Washington Plan Revision Pages and Useful Information

Comments Received on Draft Forest Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Draft Forest Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Public Involvement

Key Documents


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