Items Tagged with 'wells'


Ohio's 3Q Unconventional NatGas Production Tops 2013 Total

Unconventional oil and natural gas production in Ohio last quarter continued to significantly increase, with operators reporting more natural gas... Read More

Eclipse Brings Six 'Encouraging' Wells Online in Utica Shale

Eclipse Resources Corp. brought six new operated wells in the Utica Shale online between the end of 3Q2014 and Nov. 30. The wells had "very encouraging" initial results that were within the company's type curve expectations, Eclipse said. Read More

MDU Still Focused on Oil/Gas E&P Despite Eventual Sale, Execs Say

While it plans to exit the oil/natural gas exploration/production (E&P) sector, MDU Resources Group Inc. is still focused on ongoing drilling programs and will begin hydraulically fracturing (fracking) wells in the Paradox Basin, executives said.

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Mancos Drilling Slow, But Potential Strong, Black Hills CEO Says

Rapid City, SD-based Black Hills Corp. CEO David Emery said the Mancos Shale drilling program in the Piceance and San Juan basins is behind schedule... Read More

Oklahoma Temporarily Shuts Deep Disposal Well After Cushing Quakes

Seeking the cause of an increased number of small earthquakes, Oklahoma officials temporarily shut a disposal well that had been drilled too deep near the Cushing, OK, oil pipeline and storage hub (see Shale Daily, Oct. 15). While not assigning blame, they said the depth of the disposal well could have contributed to the outbreak of seismic activity. Read More

Eclipse Beats 3Q Guidance With Focus on Accelerating Development

Eclipse Resources Corp. said Monday that it slightly exceeded its third quarter guidance by producing 85.8 MMcfe/d in its core operating area of southeast Ohio in another update that shows the company has gained some momentum heading into the end of the year. Read More

Fayetteville Still Powering Southwestern, But Marcellus Coming on Strong

The Fayetteville Shale delivered its highest quarterly production results ever for Southwestern Energy Co... Read More

EQT to Profit From Fewer Wells, Longer Laterals

EQT Corp. plans to do more with fewer wells heading into the end of the year and into 2015, outlining a strategy on Thursday during its third quarter conference call that relies on longer laterals rather than more wells to increase output going forward. Read More

Antero NatGas Output Continues Rising, Liquids Production Climbing Sharply

Antero Resources Corp. reported surging natural gas production once again during the third quarter, with volumes reaching 1.08 Bcfe/d, up 21% from the second quarter and almost double from year-ago volumes (see Shale Daily, Aug. 8; Nov. 8, 2013). Read More

Magnum Hunter's Utica Gusher Bests the Rest in West Virginia

Magnum Hunter Resources Corp.'s (MHR) first Utica Shale well in West Virginia -- the most southeastern within its Appalachia portfolio -- has tested at a peak monster rate of 46.6 MMcf/d, the highest flow rate announced in the region to date. Read More