Alright, Dez, We'll Run Your Fucking Rant Unfucking Censored, Okie Fucking Doke?

Categories: Sports

Dallas Cowboys
Fuckin' Dez and fuckin' Tony in motherfuckin' Chicago Thursfuck.
After last night's drubbing of the Bears in Chicago, Dez Bryant had one simple request: that the assembled press not censor his post-game rant when the ran it the next day -- no "little stars," no nothing.

After waiting dutifully all day for someone, anyone, to heed this very important Cowboy's simple request, it appears we're once again going to have to play the roll of town potty mouth. So here is Dez Bryant, after last night's game, speaking with the local media:

"Fuck no, I do not care. Because I know I'm not doing anything wrong. They don't know what's going on. I can't care less. They ain't on no sidelines. Nobody's on the sidelines with us. The only thing they're waiting for us to do is take an L and they can talk a bunch of shit about us. 'Oh, the same 'ol Cowboys in December.' C'mon man. Ain't none of that. We're going to take advantage of what we need to take advantage of. I don't give a fuck who films it. That's the truth, That's the truth. That's how I feel. As long as we get the W, that's all that matters. Put that shit down. You don't have to put the little -- what you do, put the little stars by it. Put my whole cuss words in there. I meant that."

G$d bl&6s you, D$% Br&n7.


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We may not teach them much in our fine East Texas public schools, but we teach them how to play football. And communicate.

By the way, aren't we a bunch of idiots for listening to him?

wcvemail topcommenter

I'll give you a B for the clickbait, an A for the community-journo spirit, and a bill for the 60 seconds I spent reading it. The seconds it takes to write this, oh, no charge.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Classy.  Like the Cowboys fans who went on a stabbing spree outside Soldier Field last night.


What is his quote a response to? Give us context jackass. 


But no one, including this story, is saying just what the sideline rant was about.


T**s ** ** *n*e**ting w*y of ***** ***s like ****. N*** fuck*** jo*.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Sports fans in general are not classy, whether they are at the bar or the actual event, its generally not a great experience anymore.  Hell even my beloved Arrowhead, where anyone who has been there will tell you is one of the most friendly fan  bases has its set of asshats

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@abc435 If you dont know the context and only come here for sports....Im sorry.

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