So Far No Evidence in Complaints Against Nutall That She Ever Whopped Anybody

Categories: Schutze

Trustee Bernadette Nutall, the arbiter of blackness.
Dallas Schools yesterday released copies of the complaints against school system trustee Bernadette Nutall that have spurred an ongoing external investigation of her conduct. The complaints include a reference to something I reported here a week ago having to do with Nutall socking somebody.

See also: Nutall Probe Will Include Abuse of DISD Staff

I hope, if anyone intends to make something out of this, they've got a lot more than this. In the complaint (see below) a school district executive who was herself the target of an investigation tells the superintendent of schools she heard a rumor that Nutall once hit somebody and was worried about getting popped herself by Nutall. I can see that as the subject of a legitimate nightmare, but I'm not sure I would have included it in a written complaint.

Nutall, for the record, told me last week that she has never had a physical altercation with anybody at the school district.

In a letter to Superintendent Mike Miles complaining about Nutall, district executive Tonya Sadler Grayson tells Grayson that Nutall basically called her a whore and told her she wasn't black. Grayson said Nutall said to her, "'You ain't black. You're one of Miles' people.'" Grayson also said Nutall said, "'Do you know what a trick is? It's like you.'"

A "trick" is a term for a street prostitute. The racial slur is a reference to an ongoing behind-the-scenes controversy at school district headquarters having to do with racial identity and community credibility. Another trustee, Joyce Foreman, has questioned Miles' blackness in the past because of his opposition to some community leaders on school district issues.

A second complaint filed by Miles' driver said Nutall questioned the driver's manliness and blackness after the driver failed to intervene to protect her when school district police, summoned by Miles, tossed Nutall out of a school last month. The driver, Freddie Jackson, said Nutall had told him she had lost respect for him for failing to come to the aid of a black woman.

Ahem. Well. Do you hear anything in here yet that warrants calling in the FBI? Lady with axe to grind against Nutall says she heard Nutall hit somebody once. OK. Nutall called her a whore. Not good. But not FBI yet. Superintendent's driver says Nutall challenged his manhood. Some of us can't get out of the house in the morning without that happening.

See also: Mike Miles and Bernadette Nutall Slap Leather

I don't know, folks. I tried to reach the school district media people yesterday afternoon to see if this was all there is, but they seemed strangely prematurely Holidayishly hard to reach. But surely this is not all there is.

I believe that part of the allegation against Nutall, not revealed in these complaints explicitly but suggested, is that referring negatively to the race of school district employees is racist, because it would be considered racist if a white person did it. But that's if a white person did it.

I don't know about you, but I think we all understand that some things -- the n-word, for example -- are materially different and have different meanings out of the mouths of white people as opposed to black people. Don't believe me? Well, here's a scientific experiment you can do:

If you are white, go to Jim's Carwash on MLK when it's jammed on a Sunday, and you will hear the n-word out of the mouths of black people all around you. And they will all be laughing. Now you walk around the car wash and loudly call people the n-word. Do they laugh? Do you wind up running as fast as you can all the way to Frisco? See? Different.

So we will see. Paul Coggins, an attorney who has carried out a previous external investigation for the district, is looking at this stuff. Right now unless he has a whole lot more than this to go on, I'm going to guess he's yawning.

Complaints Against DISD Trustee Bernadette Nutall by Schutze


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Nutall is a run away train her actions did not start with Miles,she has been this way since joining the DISD board, most folk at the District office know it and afraid to speak.


We are in a pickle here, folks. I like Nutall, Foreman, and Juanita Wallace but they keep calling out Miles about his blackness like not being as black as possible was a violation of a clause in his contract. What would they say if I, an old, white, veteran of Dallas School Desegregation circa 1972, said Barack Obama or John Wylie Price was not black enough? You can't say that and I don't care what race you are. You can't say it if you are white for the reasons you state, Jim. But you can't say it if you are black because 89% of the multi-cultural real world is going to think you are bat-shit wacko in the heado. This kind of talk has nothing to do with the fact that Miles is also wearing out his welcome, even with those who have tried to support him, faster than my mother in law, who is snoring in a post-Thanksgiving coma in my easy chair as I write. They now see Miles as counter-productive, not because he isn't black enough but because he is not a consensus builder, is defensive and condescending at the same time, clearly is about to hear some bad news about test scores and is driving away as many good teachers as he is bad. The Teacher Excellence Initiative TEI is a mess and Trustees are trying to jump in and fix it before the damage is beyond repair. Miles is dragging his feet and further muddying the water on that. He is apparently moving toward some kind of easy exit strategy, begging to be fired. That said, there is no way in hell I would fire him, they need to wait until he quits. That won't be long. At least if he quits it can be spun that he is a quitter, never had the huevos for a big job like Dallas, doesn't like children, anything other than letting the next applicants for the job think Nutall won and controls the Board. We've had what, 4 or 5 Superintendents in a row who did not please the non-post-racial factions of the board. Continuing the revolving door in Dallas guarantees fewer and fewer competent leaders will apply for the job here. There is no way in hell I would work for Miles or Nutall. Their behavior is so outrageously offensive that they almost deserve each other. Except that Dallas ISD children deserve better than either one of them.


The continued support of Miles and his "mishegas" is astounding. I just wonder if folks would have the same supportive posture if this had been JWP. Let's say he had a history of tampering with witnesses (see Coggins' first report), and we knew that he attempted to recruit people to file complaints that were favorable to his position (see Sylvia Reyna),and we have these "complaints" coincidentally filed months after the alleged incident and days before an investigation is initiated into his adversary (one which he claimed to know nothing about), would you seriously think anything he said about his situation (or any other for that matter) was credible?? Again, swap the name from Miles to JWP and ask yourself that question ... Isn't it time we stopped giving him the benefit of the doubt? A wise woman once said "when people show you who they are, believe them" ...


Whatever. When did Mr. Miles and his staff become so refined and genteel? Next we will hear that Ms. Nuttall has bad table manners and doesn't sip tea with her pinky extended.  She has a lot of "street" in her and talks that way. I suspect Mr. Miles heard a lot worse in the barracks.  He should tell his people to get over it--and he should, "man up."  Oh, did I just insult him?  Apologies.    

ozonelarryb topcommenter

Does Nutall have a course she csn recommend thst teaches how to be black enough?

What bollocks. We are all the same. We bleed red. Except the ones who bleed bullshit.


I'm hearing the Coggins report may speak more to Miles' actions than Nutall's - and It. Ain't. Pretty. He violates his contract again?


Nutall is an elected official.  Miles is the hired help.  He answers to her, not the other way 'round.


What it comes down to, our school taxes,  mine run way over $10,000 per for a not all that nice house I try to keep rented,  are being pissed way by incompetents,  elected and appointed,  playing some kind of king of the hill game.   Three or four taxpayers on my block could finance a teacher.  Instead,  our money is being used by Paul Coggins.

Much cheaper,    Bitch-fight at 12N at a DISD school, students urged to attend,  loser apologizes.


What is sad is the vast sums that are spent on Coggins that could be spent on education.


Miles is embarrassing himself. The two complaints on their face are laughable. Soliciting complaints from Reyna is even worse. The fact that Renya turns you down and it ends up in the newspaper shows Miles as inept. Miles recruiting Henry to run against Nutall is a new low. Henry throwing Miles under the bus confirms Miles as inept.

Prior to the incident at Dade, Miles had made a total mess of the school with his principal and administrative hires. The team at Dade was his team. Not owning up to that failure is the sign of poor manager.

Miles not being able to handle the interaction with Nutall in a way that didn't end in her physical removal by DISD police is a complete failure on his point. A good leader handles that situation easily and still accomplishes his goals that morning.

I could go on.



You have restored my faith in manly-kind!  And yes, Grayson is very pretty. 

My feminist oath requires I have to add that if these were two men, no one would have noticed their appearance, much less commented on it...unless one of the men was Ryan Gosling or Denzel.


@WhoisJohnGalt The unexplained or ignored variable in your equation is not "who  is John Galt" but  "who hired Mr. Miles."

observist topcommenter

@fordamist  A quick check on DCAD shows that if your school taxes are over $10,000, your property is appraising for over $700,000.  If it appraises for that much and it's not-all-that-nice, you should probably sell it.

wcvemail topcommenter


Your animosity toward Miles hid this question: Was it Miles who called the Feebs on this sort of childish rumor-mongering and name-calling? Or is it another of those HR-mandated, follow-it-to-the-expensive-and-inconclusive end sort of investigation that has a life of its own. Even if it were him, the consequences of ignoring this tawdriness would lead to accusations of sweeping it under the carpet. And even a call from the super to the Feebs to report - what, "you ain't no man atall" -- would surely be laughed off, probably right there on the phone.

No, absent clear facts, you can't pin this one on Miles.

holmantx topcommenter


And you have restored my faith by not accusing me of being sexist.

and yes, you now are anointed babeness by the essential virtue of exhibiting a reach even I can't match . . . 

from time to time.

I must now work on it.

thank you.

JimSX topcommenter

@wcvemail @Anonymous

Even though i am beginning to have my doubts about any substantive outcome here, I do believe there is a larger underlying question: how in the hell can you run a railroad if you've got a member of the board of directors down in the rail yard telling the yard boss to ignore orders from the CEO? 

holmantx topcommenter


BTW Denzel Washington is my favorite.

He should have gotten an Oscar for Flight.


@JimSX @wcvemail @Anonymous On the other hand, How the hell can you run a railroad when the CEO constantly hires bad engineers, installs policies that causes the experienced engineers and conductors to go work for other railroads, and  seems incapable of getting us from here to there?  


@JimSX @wcvemail @Anonymous

When a board member tries to manage the yard boss, the CEO reports it to the entire board. The whole board then disciplines the wayward board member. If the whole board fails to stop the inappropriate meddling of the single member, the CEO should resign. 

The CEO should not have the board member physically removed by the police. If the CEO does, he should get fired.

The School Board as whole has the responsibility to manage inappropriate actions by a trustee, not Miles.

wcvemail topcommenter

@JimSX @wcvemail @Anonymous

Jim, this assertion keeps coming up, and you've answered before. Since you laid the track, how would you describe the board:super relationship in railroad terms?* It's a reasonable assertion, and mine is a real question:

"Nutall is an elected official.  Miles is the hired help.  He answers to her, not the other way 'round." 

*Because we all know that this ain't no way to run a railroad.


@Anonymous @JimSX @wcvemail the CEO's proper response is "get off my damn lawn and look after your own business", followed by reporting it to the board. However, based on my reading of 20+ years of DISD dysfunctionality, I doubt that the board is minded to do anything that might approximate to correct corporate behavior. That would require them to operate in a professional, non-sectarian way. I just saw another pig fly past my window...


@wcvemail @JimSX @Anonymous 

Miles does not answer to Nuttall.

Miles answers to the Board of Trustees. Specifically he answers to the mandates of a majority of the Board of Trustees. You, and Nutall, don't seem to understand the distinction.


@graham57 @Anonymous @JimSX @wcvemail Keep in mind that governmental bodies are not (should not be) corporations and should not be run like one.  Governmental bodies answer to the people and are supposed to improve the lives of the people.  When individuals in these public institutions find a way to enrich themselves through the institution, they forget there are any citizens in the picture - just competition for dollars.  Of course, I realize this is the way humans have behaved forever in government, but that's why we the people have to stop them.  We have a role to play, too.  We must stop the privatizers.

wcvemail topcommenter

@James080 @wcvemail @JimSX @Anonymous

You misapprehend me, sir. I happen to think that absent any special arrangement (usually of the "go along, get along" sort), the hired superintendent must be given freedom to act as he sees fit. I was looking for Jim to continue his railroad metaphor, and quoting another gentle reader's assertion.

That is a reasonable assertion, so I'm looking for a reasonable come-back, which you sorta provided, but without the choo-choo reference.

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