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"Fatality Overviews"... If a report has an overview, the button to that report will indicate so. These reports are offered in Microsoft's PowerPoint ® or PDF. You will need Adobe's PDF Reader. If you need more information on this, see this page.

"Fatality Overviews", slide shows regarding fatal accidents, are another part of the Mine Safety and Health Administration's program to share information with the mining community. We encourage you to share these presentations with your supervisors and miners to assist your efforts to prevent similar accidents.

Accident Classifications - definitions of accident classifications found on this web site.

Please Note: Since June 2010, MSHA is posting preliminary reports of accidents. These are a preliminary report of a reported mine fatality that occurred. These reports are subject to change as the accident is investigated and will be updated as NEW INFORMATION becomes available.

Please Note: There is a link at the top left of all Fatal Accident Reports that reads "PDF Version - (Contains All Graphics)". Use that to see the "complete" report. That version will have photos not included in the web version, Accident Investigation Data - Victim Data and more.

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