Items Tagged with 'weather'


Weather Models Little Changed; January Seen 4 Cents Lower

January natural gas is expected to open 4 cents lower Thursday morning at $3.77 as traders hone in on a government report that is expected to show far less usage of natural gas than historical norms and weather projections show little change. Overnight oil markets slumped. Read More

Weather, Technicals Undermining Near-Term Potential; January Seen 8 Cents Lower

January natural gas is set to open 8 cents lower Tuesday morning at $3.93 as traders see weather and technical factors working to suppress any meaningful market upside. Overnight oil markets fell. Read More

Weather, Technicals Aligning Higher; December Seen Up 11 Cents

December natural gas is expected to open 11 cents higher Wednesday morning at $4.24 as traders see no end to cold weather patterns in sight, and technical analysis points higher. Overnight oil markets were mixed. Read More

Major Cold Incursion Seen; December Called 15 Cents Higher

December natural gas is set to open 15 cents higher Monday morning as key weather models trended sharply colder. Overnight oil markets gained. Read More

Analyst Viewing Deficit Turning to Surplus; November Seen 3 Cents Lower

November natural gas is set to open 3 cents lower Wednesday morning at $3.68 as weather forecasts remain stubbornly locked in moderate mode and the technical environment continues to deteriorate. Overnight oil markets rose. Read More

Weather Still Not Showing Up; November Seen 8 Cents Lower

November natural gas is expected to open 8 cents lower Monday morning at $3.69 as traders see little evidence of cold weather emerging by November, and mull the prospects for an extended refill season. Overnight oil markets rose. Read More

Mild Forecast Stirs Bears; November Called 3 Cents Lower

November natural gas is set to open 3 cents lower Friday morning at $3.77 as traders see little in the way of supportive weather developments and envision the market trading at the low end of its ongoing trading range. Overnight oil markets recovered somewhat from recent selling. Read More

Weather Losing Its Punch; October Called 9 Cents Lower

October natural gas is expected to open 9 cents lower Tuesday morning at $3.98 as traders see weather forecasts becoming less of a market driver and focus their attention on shoulder season storage refill. Tropical Storm Dolly has surfaced in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Overnight oil markets careened lower. Read More

Builds Trending Leaner; October Seen 2 Cents Higher

October natural gas is set to open 2 cents higher Thursday morning at $4.02 as traders expect a government inventory report to continue showing well above normal additions to storage. Overnight oil markets firmed. Read More

Supportive Tone Seen to EIA Storage Stats; September Called a Penny Higher

September natural gas is expected to open a penny higher Thursday morning at $3.84 as traders see some modest bullish risk to the morning release of government storage figures. Overnight oil markets fell. Read More