RTVF students dive into film production

By on December 1, 2014

Linda Kessler / Intern Writer

When a group of passionate, motivated students find themselves in close quarters, something interesting is bound to happen.

A700 Productions is a non-sponsored, student-led filmmaking organization made up of several students from the RTVF Resident Engaged in Academic Living Community in Kerr Hall A-Tower’s seventh floor.

“I think, for the most part, everyone helped come up with the idea,” RTVF freshman Daniel Caballero said. “Since we’re all RTVF, we have all these people we can use. We can all come together, and before we get into our major, actually start doing some stuff with film.”


The A700 Productions group inside their production studio. Photo by Evan McAlister – Staff Photographer.

A700 Productions is made up of about 11 RTVF freshman and thus far they have eight published videos on their YouTube channel.

“I’d have to say I like all our videos,” RTVF freshman Jared Soto said. “Every time we’ve worked on one, something different has come up. It’s just a different experience working on a different film.”

A700 Productions is not currently associated with the RTVF program, but see this organization as a great experience-rich opportunity.

“I hope we all stick together through our college years,” RTVF freshman Alex Fikar said. “I hope that we can progress and get better technology and story ideas, better quality and longer videos and I’d like to see us go into a film competition.”

There is no president or set in stone leadership in A700 Productions. Everyone is on equal ground and shifts around per project between roles including writer, director, actor, make-up, cinematographer and music supervisor.

“When someone has a story idea they want to pitch, we hold a meeting and everyone votes on the production,” Soto said.

Caballero said the next step is for the person to decide whether they want to be the writer or director.

“We’ll also decide who wants to edit and who wants to be the cinematographer. Basically that’s when everything comes into play,” he said.

A700 Productions is currently a rather intimate organization, but it hopes to expand and grow in the coming semesters.

“This is something that we all love to do and we‘ve realized that [UNT] gives us so many different resources,” Caballero said. “We have all these different people, like people in acting and theater, who we could get to come together to make videos, and hopefully one day we’ll be able to use that whole aspect. But for right now, it’s just a good time growing and making films with friends.”

A700 Productions has been spreading the word of the organization and its projects via social media including the Facebook and Twitter pages, self-promotion and general word-of-mouth. Talk of their group has made its way around campus.

“They wrote the name of one of their videos on my door dry-erase board,” strategic communications freshman Evan McAlister said. “They’re really determined to get their name out around campus.”

The production company has also caught the eye of visual art studies freshman Breanna Haag.

“People know who they are,” she said. “They’re definitely doing a good job getting their name out there.”

A700 Productions started at the beginning of this semester as just a group of friends having fun, and they look forward to making more videos, expanding their group and becoming even better known.

“Everybody just loves to do this. It’s a part of us,” Fikar said. “We want to do this for the rest of [our] lives, and since everybody has at least a little experience and we won’t get into those hands on film classes for a while, [this] was good to get started.”

Featured Image: A700 logo courtesy of the group’s Facebook page.

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