All posts tagged "michael brown"

  • UNT students protest police brutality

    Paul Wedding / Staff Writer UNT students of many races and backgrounds gathered in front of Willis Library today for a lie-down protest against police brutality, and on a larger level, for the belief that all lives matter....

    • Posted December 4, 2014
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  • 2_protest_web1
    Protesters in Dallas bring attention to verdict

      Photo Story by: Hannah Ridings – Staff Photographer A protester is seen with his hands raised in the air. A collective gesture for most protesters was to put their hands in the air as if they...

    • Posted December 1, 2014
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    Dallas Protesters remember Michael Brown

    Update 12:30 p.m.: Two students were arrested by Dallas police last night during the protest. Studio Art and pre-RTVF senior Jonathan Adams and history sophomore Clinton McBride were charged with obstruction of a highway passage, which is a class...

    • Posted November 26, 2014
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  • FergusonTwitterCollage
    Twitter reacts to the #FergusonDecision

    Nicholas Friedman / Design Editor Shortly after 8 p.m. yesterday, a St. Louis County grand jury announced a decision not to indict police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of Michael Brown. Following the decision, celebrities, students...

    • Posted November 25, 2014
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