
Racial Issues

  • Blogs

    August 20, 2014

    In Fight Over Dallas' Racist Housing Policies, HUD Threw the Whistleblowers Under the Bus

    If the editorial in The Dallas Morning News this morning has any credibility, and I am sure it does, HUD has agreed to throw the whistleblowers under the bus in the Lockey/MacKenzie racial segregation complaint against the city of Dallas. It's not a surprising outcome, because paying off the two d ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 20, 2014

    Which Is More Racist, Texas or New Hampshire?

    A small dagger pierced my heart when my wife told me our 27-year-old son's reaction to the news story she had emailed him about the n-word-using police commissioner in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. He emailed her back: "Wow. Way up there." I took that to mean that our fifth-generation native-Texan son ... More >>

  • Blogs

    December 3, 2013

    Six Musicians You Didn't Know Might Be Bigots

    Bob Dylan is being sued. For supposedly being racist. Could the harmonica enthusiast born Robert Allen Zimmerman -- the man whose ejaculate created national treasure Jakob Dylan of the Wallflowers -- truly be a bigot? Sure, he could be. Or maybe his comment likening Croatians to Nazis was misinterpr ... More >>

  • Blogs

    September 19, 2013

    I Wasn't Invited to the Talk-About-Race Deal. Good. I Didn't Want to Be. So There!

    Saturday at 10 a.m. at the City Performance Hall on Flora Street, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings, City Council member Dwaine Caraway and Dallas County Commissioner Elba Garcia will host an event called "Conversations About Race," in which I was not invited to participate. Well how do you like that? I ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 9, 2013

    NAACP's Juanita Wallace Ready to Cancel DISD Superintendent Mike Miles' Black Card

    Working on a big story about school reform these days. (Note to editor: definitely see completion this year, possibly early next. Best way you can help -- make sure I keep up my darned morale.) Speaking of morale, I wanted to go ahead and share a bit of the reporting with you in advance of the stor ... More >>

  • News

    November 8, 2012
  • Blogs

    September 5, 2012

    Two More Dallas County Maintenance Workers Say Their Boss is a Racist Asshole

    David Womble, a Dallas County maintenance supervisor, leaves an impression on his employees. In June, three of them sued the county for discrimination after one, Dennis Jones, was fired for having previously disclosed felony convictions while his white colleagues were not. Womble, the suit claimed, ... More >>

  • News

    June 7, 2012

    Welcome Back, Jim Crow

    New laws in dozens of states could take out Barack Obama this fall.

  • Blogs

    May 21, 2012

    Marc Veasey Doesn't Like Domingo Garcia "Trumpeting" Black Paper's Endorsement

    In case you haven't been paying attention, the race for the 33rd Congressional District is still a pissing match likely to end up in a runoff between between Domingo Garcia and Marc Veasey for the Democratic nomination. A quick recap: Garcia called big SUVs un-American, which led Veasey to proclai ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 17, 2012

    Domingo Garcia Calls Opponent "Errand Boy." Was That a Slur or Just Typical Garcia?

    Domingo, Domingo, Domingo. You were named after the day of worship. Why do you always wind up using names against other people? Yesterday, state Representative Rafael Anchia jumped on Dallas congressional candidate Domingo Garcia for calling a black opponent an "errand boy." In a press release, A ... More >>

  • Blogs

    March 23, 2012

    Sandra Crenshaw Wants You To Throw Out Your Wig And Mace The Living Shit Out Of Korean Storeowners

    So, ex-Dallas City council member Sandra Crenshaw is throwing her wig in the trash on Sunday. She wants you there. Better yet, if you're a black woman with a Korean-made wig, she wants you to join her. (The video you see above is not about wigs, exactly. It's just something we had lying around in t ... More >>

  • Blogs

    January 24, 2012

    Clay Jenkins Hits the Wall in the Appointment of New Black Panther Party Founder

    It looks like Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, long a puppet of Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, finally has hit the Price wall. Jenkins has stopped action on the appointment of Price protégé Aaron McCarthy, aka Aaron Michaels, to the county's "homeland security advisory committee," w ... More >>

  • Blogs

    October 3, 2011

    Post's Hunting-Camp Story Unfairly Loads Southern Baggage on Perry's Shoulders

    ​Well, pardon me for making myself important, but I feel like I do bring a certain perspective to the Rick Perry N-word story. For one thing, I just finished a long stretch of reporting on Perry. I have a story coming out his week in the newspaper that's pretty much a deconstruction of his "Te ... More >>

  • News

    August 25, 2011

    Cut Out the Middlemen

    Tribal politics at the heart of Dallas' corruption problems.

  • News

    October 21, 2010
  • News

    June 17, 2010
  • News

    June 12, 2008

    The Man Who Would Be King

    Freddy Haynes seemed a shoo-in to lead the NAACP. Then Obama's ex-pastor came to town.

  • Blogs

    May 12, 2008

    What's Up With All Those White People Asking Stupid Questions?

    Dorit Rabinovitch Living in Detroit, and having black friends who cared enough to speak candidly to me, I learned a long time ago that all white people of a certain age are racist. That includes me. It includes Steve Blow. Growing up white in a racist society distorts your perception down to a neu ... More >>

  • News

    October 4, 2007

    City Hall's Same Sick Story

    White guys bribing black guys at Dallas City Hall

  • News

    November 30, 2006

    Tongue Twisted

    A Spanish-language requirement reopens old wounds at DISD

  • Blogs

    August 18, 2006

    Spreading the Blame

    Andrew Young, the former U.N. ambassador, said he doesn't really dig Jews, Koreans and Arabs who own stores in black neighborhoods. Then he apologized. Good luck with all that. Wilonsky's piece on South (not "Southern") Dallas in this week's paper version of Unfair Park is full of hope and commitmen ... More >>

  • News

    September 1, 2005

    Race, Race, Race

    Man. Now everybody's calling everybody a racist.

  • News

    September 9, 2004

    Laff in the Dark

    For Dallas, for the city council, for now, this was good

  • News

    September 2, 2004

    Color Code

    Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle's honeymoon is about to end, if white, black and Latino officers have anything to say about it

  • News

    October 2, 2003

    Color Bind

    Who says the mayor is a racist? You'll be surprised by the answer.

  • News

    May 15, 2003

    Segregation Forever

    How Dallas got what it wanted

  • News

    February 13, 2003

    Slave Wages

    The fight for slavery reparations takes on a local twist

  • News

    September 26, 2002


    Plus: On Top of the World, True Colors, Miller on a Mission

  • News

    March 14, 2002

    Ron Kirk's Crying Game

    When he said it was time to end the blame game, he meant that he had won

  • News

    December 6, 2001

    One Moe

    Even if Domingo Garcia can't win the mayor's race, he can slap the other two into shape

  • News

    August 30, 2001

    Absentee Minded

    Hey, Mr. Zillionaire Developer, got a big public project you want to sell? Black Dallas has the votes you need--dirt cheap.

  • News

    May 17, 2001

    Mystery of St. Luke

    Was an influential Dallas black church desecrated by racists?

  • News

    May 10, 2001

    We Shall Stay on Top

    Black leadership goes in the tank on civil rights, fights for the police chief's job instead

  • News

    April 19, 2001

    The Race Race

    In the battle for the District 6 council seat, the dark horse has a white face

  • Dining

    March 22, 2001

    The Color of Money

    Does restaurant service differ because of race? Depends on whom you ask.

  • News

    February 15, 2001

    Single Barrel, Double Standard

    When Lancaster's school superintendent ordered a lenient sentence for two white kids caught with shotguns, black parents said it was one more example of the suburb's bigotry

  • News

    October 19, 2000

    The Resurrection of Sandy Kress

    Or, how a Democrat and reviled former DISD board president found a happy home pushing "educational acoountability" for the GOP

  • News

    May 25, 2000


    The problems at Silberstein Elementary--too few bilingual teachers, a PTA divided, tensions between black administrators and Hispanic parents--are a microcosm of the issues DISD faces districtwide

  • News

    February 17, 2000

    Black, white, and blue

    Dallas' African-American cops say they are being unfairly disciplined by a racist department. The numbers suggest they're right.

  • News

    January 20, 2000

    The plantation burns

    Al Lipscomb is on trial for bribery. The real charge is "traitor."

  • News

    January 13, 2000

    Black out

    Lipscomb takes his story to Anglo Amarillo and hopes it plays better than prosecutors'

  • News

    October 29, 1998

    Dead air

    KKDA-AM silences the radio voice of black Dallas, but was anyone listening anyway?

  • News

    October 8, 1998

    Black like him

    Despite the Starr report's dirty details, Paula Jones' case against the nation's "first black president" hinges as much on race as on sex

  • News

    June 18, 1998

    Mr. Mellow

    John Wiley Price, the man who once toted a bullhorn in protests outside Mayor Ron Kirk's home, learns that it helps to have friends in high places

  • News

    April 16, 1998

    Saint Al

    Will he die in prison for the sins of the plantation?

  • News

    May 22, 1997

    Invisible Mansfield

    When black and white histories collided in their small town, Phyllis Allen and fellow church members made sure Mansfield didn't white-wash the truth.

  • News

    March 20, 1997

    Prophets Without Honor

    The self-proclaimed ministers of capitalism have gotten a cool reception to their gospel in Dallas. But Chevis King Jr. and Joe Howard won't give up till they've found a better way to spend black people's money.

  • Film

    October 24, 1996

    Fantastic voyage

    Spike Lee's Get on the Bus takes us to amazing places

  • News

    May 23, 1996

    Ready For Battle

    DISD hired Clarence Glover to defuse a racial crisis. But is he tough enough for the job?

  • News

    October 5, 1995

    The Prophet

    Amid controversy, Minister Farrakhan calls a million men to step into the Promised Land

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