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Washington Whispers

Three-Minute Briefing: The SecDef Dance, Government Funding, Iran Hits Back

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Good TGIF, the 339th day of the year, and the 12th day of national protests over two police-brutality deaths that shut down streets, bridges and intersections in cities from Boston to Los Angeles last night. With another police shooting of an unarmed black man -- this time in Phoenix -- the ...

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Ferguson, Missouri
New York City
Obama, Barack
federal budget
2016 presidential election
human rights

Three-Minute Briefing: Eric Garner Reactions, Cigarette Taxes and More on Ben Carson

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Good Thursday morning, the 338th day of 2014, and the fourth day since President Barack Obama announced a White House task force to examine the "simmering mistrust" between police and minority communities in the wake of the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. After a night of national ...

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smoking and tobacco
Ferguson, Missouri
Obama, Barack
Paul, Rand
Boehner, John
immigration reform

Three-Minute Briefing: Defensive Wonk, Shutdown Showdown and That's Not My Bag, Baby

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Happy Hump Day, the 337th day of 2014 and the 13th day since President Barack Obama announced he’d take executive action to protect millions of immigrants from deportation – a unilateral move that led Republicans to promise some sort of retaliation. We’re still waiting on exactly what that will be ...

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Boehner, John
Labrador, Raúl
Landrieu, Mary
Pelosi, Nancy
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