The Seven Best Dallas Restaurants for Oysters

Categories: Best Of Dallas

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Blue point oysters at 20 Feet.
It's time to look on the bright side of all this gloomy, frigid weather. You can sit and pout as that blustering wind paints your cheeks pink and turns your nose into a faucet, or you can take comfort in the fact that oysters all over the country are coming into their own. Summer's no good for gulf oysters because of terrifying things like the red tide. Oysters from northern waters are mostly safe year round, but the guys like to spawn in the summer time. They're much better in the winter when they're not working so hard. All they do is sit around, eat and turn into fat, plump bivalves that are the pinnacle of oyster-eating.

So quit being a chump, grab a scarf and get out there and eat some bivalves. Whether you enjoy them with beer, dry white wine or maybe champagne, this is the time to eat them till you split.

20 Feet Seafood Joint (pictured above)
Blue Points are harvested off the coast of Long Island. If I had to take a Gulf oyster fan up to New York and share some oysters with them, Blue Points are what I'd order. They've got that robust flavor that lets you know you're eating a bivalve, but they're smaller and milder than gulf oysters and ultimately more appealing for eating raw. 20 Feet does everything well, these included.


Boulevardiers bar was built around oyster service. Expect the best.
This place was made for oyster service. I wish they were a little more affordable so it was feasible to sit at that beautiful bar, drink seven or so beers, and work your way through three-dozen shells. Still, they've got a great selection. And they sell enough of them that they always taste fresh. Spluge. It's like four degrees out.


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The oysters at Gemma are impeccable.
Gemma is just so pretty you'd eat about anything with a smile. But their oysters arrive brilliantly presented and impeccably shucked -- even the gills are intact. If the oyster in question has a nice deep cup, the careful handling will preserve a good amount of oyster liquor. Put down the condiments and sip from this tiny cup.


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S&D is a classic, and about to get a lot more space.
S&D Oyster Company
This is Texas, so a list of oyster restaurants that doesn't touch on Gulf oysters would miss the point completely. My go-to for Gulf oysters is S&D, where the turnover is so high a team of shuckers work up front at lightning speed. With custom made cocktail sauce and a handful of crackers you can make a whole meal out of these meaty specimens.


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Lori Bandi
For a refined oyster experience
Dine at Spoon if you'd like the most impeccable, wallet-crushing oyster experience possible. Chef John Tesar's oysters are plucked from their shoals with the finest linen mittens, and shucked so gently the oysters don't even know that anything is wrong -- until you come along, of course.


It's like an oyster shoal, but with none of the work.
TJ's Seafood
TJ's Oak Lawn is a no-frills spot with a clean, sleek atmosphere. Choose your oysters from the case and minutes later they're brought to your table. Check out the selection of white wines available. There's guaranteed to be a great pairing or two.


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I think this one could still be alive.
Another no-frills spot with fair prices and a great selection. Rex's serves up great oysters with out taking your wallet out into the back alley for a "conversation." Hit 'em with a squeeze of lemon and then toss 'em back. You could do this sort of thing all afternoon, and while the temperatures continue to descend, you won't be bothered in the slightest.

Location Info


Rex's Seafood Market

5200 W. Lovers Lane, Dallas, TX

Category: General

TJ's Market and Grill

4212 Oak Lawn Ave., Dallas, TX

Category: Restaurant


7447 N. Macarthur Blvd., Irving, TX

Category: Restaurant

S&D Oyster Co.

2701 McKinney Ave., Dallas, TX

Category: Restaurant


2323 Henderson Avenue, Dallas, TX

Category: Restaurant


408 N. Bishop Ave., Dallas, TX

Category: Restaurant

20 Feet Seafood Joint

1160 Peavy Road, Dallas, TX

Category: Restaurant


My Voice Nation Help

In addition to these fine spots, Dive always has a well-curated selection of oysters, both raw and otherwise.


Oceanaire always has an extensive selection of oysters.


What is the sauce on the right in the 20 Feet picture?


Wow....Muscadet....something new for me....just googled it and here is what the NY Times says:

"The world knows Muscadet as a cheap, simple white wine that is made to drink young and that happens to be nature’s perfect accompaniment to the oyster. This much is true: Muscadet is most definitely white, inexpensive and goes beautifully with raw oysters and most other shellfish."

thanks fellas.

BTW, of these recommendations, 20 Feet is the only it gets extra credit in my ranking.


Champagne or wine with oysters just doesn't sound right.  

I am thinking this cold weather demands a nice straight up vodka with my oysters. Or maybe a decent sipping tequila ?

Any other opinions?


@Mervis  It looks like a champagne mignonette or some variant thereof.  Good stuff!


@CitizenKane Champagne and oysters sounds a bit more romantic than appetizing to me. As an old diehard oyster eater, I prefer an excellent dry Muscadet from France's Loire Valley. 


@ColonelAngus @Mervis I love a well made French style Mignonette with Blue Points and Belon oysters. To me, Gulf oysters are better with lemon and hot sauce,


I second the Muscadet. Champagne is fine, as is beer.


@Twinwillow: Where can one find a French bellon oyster in Dallas county?


@Twinwillow @ColonelAngus @Mervis  Spot on!  The only problem with mignonette is that it is so tasty!  It becomes difficult to moderate to the point where one can still taste the oyster. 

Gulf oysters are best with your method.  Are you married?  ;-)

My son tried his first Blue Point at age six or seven, when he would eat nothing but chicken nuggets and hot dogs.  After a double-dog dare he tried one, and he fell in love.  Costly mistake on my part.

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