Students prepare for commencement

By on December 1, 2014

Steven James / Staff Writer

After years of persistence, spending time on homework and at the library, an estimated 3,087 undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students will graduate at UNT’s Fall 2014 Commencement Ceremony Dec. 12 and 13.

Master’s and doctoral students will graduate Friday and undergraduate students will graduate Saturday. All graduation ceremonies will take place in the Coliseum.

On Friday, the post-graduate students’ ceremony begins at 3 p.m. with a reception 4-6 p.m. in the Gateway Center Ballroom. On Saturday, a reception for the undergraduate students runs 10:30 a.m.-5 p.m., also in the Gateway Center Ballroom. Students will graduate at certain times throughout the day, depending on which colleges they are part of.

Graduates will walk the stage in order based on degrees earned from their respective colleges and class rank.

“Participation in commencement ceremonies is a great way to stand up in front of friends, family and the whole world and be recognized not just for reaching your goal, but for having what it takes to reach that goal,” associate registrar Megan Wheeler said. “It’s not easy seeing it through to the end—it’s a long road that spans several years and requires both commitment and diligence. Not everyone who starts out pursuing their degree makes it.”

Special events director Laura Irving is in charge of the graduation planning. She said UNT students tend to be successful post-graduation and are very hard working.

“As an employer, this shows dedication to a certain special interest,” Irving said.  “I’ve seen kinesiology majors go off and get their Ph.D.s and artists go and teach first graders art. Many students I have worked with are now either in the medical field or in hospitality.”

Integrative studies senior Christy Brown is one of the graduates this winter. Brown said her post-graduation plans are to continue working as a travel consultant in Fort Worth.

“I am ready to be done with tests and studying,” she said. “I’m also nervous because real life keeps getting more and more expensive. I don’t think I will miss UNT as a school. I will miss seeing my friends as often as I did, but I’m still close enough to come visit whenever I can.”

Communication studies senior Sydney Davis is also graduating. Davis said her post-graduation plans are attending seminary and to continue working at First Denton Baptist Church.

She also said she would like to be a professional writer and go into women’s ministry.

“I’m super pumped,” she said. “It’s like the light at the end of the tunnel. I still have to worry about finals, but it feels good to be almost done.”

Featured Illustration by Jake Bowerman – Senior Staff Illustrator

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