Dallas Protesters remember Michael Brown

By on November 26, 2014

Update 12:30 p.m.: Two students were arrested by Dallas police last night during the protest. Studio Art and pre-RTVF senior Jonathan Adams and history sophomore Clinton McBride were charged with obstruction of a highway passage, which is a class B misdemeanor. Bail has not been set for either student.

Steven James / Staff Writer

The crowd clapped and cheered every time a strong opinion booms from the megaphone. The crisp, cold air added to the subtly peaceful atmosphere.

“We are here today because all lives matter,” said the person behind the megaphone.

A crowd of hundreds stood outside the Dallas Police Department at 1400 Lamar St., dressed in jackets and layers of clothing. Some exchanged friendly gestures with each other, others yelled their anger for what has happened. Teams of news reporters and cameras watched the crowd’s every move.

Some were there for hours. Others are came and went. All different races and nationalities were present.

The people here came to protest the decision made by a St. Louis grand jury on Monday not to indict Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown.


SGA President Troy Elliott holds a sign that reads “Mike Brown mean we got to fight back,” during a protest last night in Dallas. Protesters began at the police headquarters then moved to the north and southbound lanes of I-35 E from 9 to 11 p.m. before returning downtown to continue protesting.

Protestors held red, white, blue and black signs that read “Solidarity,” “Body Cams on Every Cop” and “All Power to the People,” among others. A line of policemen cautiously blocked the doors to the glass and brick walls of the station, keeping protestors from coming any closer than allowed.

An American flag with the peace symbol in the blue field waved on the edge of the crowd.

Indigenous People Liberation Party member Kelly Argueta had contempt in her eyes.

“Acts such as police terror and police machismo are what is bringing this country down,” Argueta said. “These oppressors, who just show up at our doorsteps and push us around, especially in the black and Latino communities, should not be accepted. In a nutshell, that is why we are here.”

The marching began at 8:30 p.m. The protestors marched down the graveled, dim-lit Lamar Street heading toward the center of downtown Dallas. Passersby took notice and stopped to take pictures and video of the marchers.

“Well, I was waiting until a lot more of the evidence came out,” 53-year-old Dallas resident Clyde Jefferson said. “I saw [Wilson’s] interview today on the news, and he showed no remorse. You have to be in fear of danger for your life to do something like that, and I don’t think he was in any danger at all.”


Studio Art and pre-RTVF senior Jonathan Adams, left, and history sophomore Clinton McBride were arrested by Dallas police for obstruction of a highway passage last night during the protest. Obstruction of a highway passage is a class B misdemeanor. Bail has not been set for either student. Photo courtesy of the Dallas County website.

After walking through downtown Dallas, many of the protestors created a line in the middle of the I-35E freeway and held hands, creating a blockage of vehicles.

“No justice! No peace! Hands up! Don’t shoot!” the protestors yelled at the vehicles. Some drivers honked back in support, while others honk in frustration because of the traffic created.

A police officer walked onto the shoulder of the freeway a few minutes later, telling the people their voices have been heard, and to move on to the next part of the march.

People who attended the protest Tweeted about their experiences using the hashtag #Dallas4Ferguson.

Student Government Association president and music junior Troy Elliott was one of many people who posted his opinions of the grand jury’s decision on social media. Monday night, Elliott posted on his Facebook profile he would be going to Dallas to peacefully protest at the police station, inviting other UNT students to come with him.

Several UNT students protested. Elliott said he decided to spread the word about the demonstration because many students are residents of the DFW area, and they felt like they needed to participate.

He also said he went to the protest as an individual, not as a representative of SGA or UNT.

“President Obama said it best — this is not just Ferguson, this is a national issue,” Elliott says. “I’m upset, not because in the decision itself, but because the demographics of the case’s decision does not match Ferguson. I would sleep better at night knowing it was not the views of the entire city.”

Featured Image: The plaza of the Dallas Police Department where the protest started last night. Lights in the plaza read “#black lives matter.” Protesters were herd shouting at cars on I-35 E,  “No justice! No peace! Hands up! Don’t shoot!” Photos courtesy of Troy Elliott

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