No Dirty Gold


The more you know, the less gold glows.



This National Jeweler ad encapsulates why dirty gold threatens jewelry retailers' image, and bottom line. View the ad as a pdf.

Gold mining is one of the dirtiest industries in the world -- it contaminates drinking water, destroys traditional livelihoods, and displaces indigenous communities. And irresponsible mining harms the reputation of retailers and manufacturers of products that use gold, such as jewelry and electronics.

Surely retailers want to be able to assure customers that the gold in their jewelry or laptops weren't produced this way.

As a retailer, you may not be operating mining equipment, but you are driving the industry.

Jewelry represents the equivalent of 70 percent of mine production of gold. Which means the gold mining industry is very interested in what jewelry retailers have to say.

Jewelry and electronics retailers hold the key to cleaning up dirty gold mining.

The No Dirty Gold campaign believes retailers and manufacturers can be important allies in this campaign, and we need your help. Please add your name to the growing list of companies who support real mining industry reform. And keep your customers' attention where it belongs: on the beauty of their gold jewelry.

By signing the Golden Rules for more responsible metals sourcing, you will join more than 90 retailers who have taken an important stance against destructive mining.

For more information:

Golden Rules Signatories

Supporting Retailer Statements

Tarnished Gold: Assessing the Jewelry Industry's Progress on Ethical Sourcing of Metals

National Jeweler ad

Leaders and Laggards ad

Tagged with: mining, no dirty gold, jewelry retailers, golden rules