More NHS volunteers to tackle Ebola

Healthcare workers from across the UK will join volunteers who flew to Sierra Leone in November
An army medic teaches NHS staff how to dispose of potentially contaminated waste
An army medic teaches NHS staff how to dispose of potentially contaminated waste last month, before their deployment to Sierra Leone. Photograph: Simon Davis/AFP/Getty Images

A second group of NHS volunteers will arrive in Sierra Leone tomorrow to help tackle the Ebola outbreak that has claimed thousands of lives in west Africa.

The 25 doctors, nurses and other medical staff from across the UK will join NHS volunteers who flew to Sierra Leone last month.

International development secretary, Justine Greening, said: “These NHS heroes will play a vital role in our efforts to take this disease on at source.”

The volunteers have had five days intensive training in Worcestershire before travelling to Sierra Leone’s capital Freetown. They will then complete further in-country training and acclimatisation, including at the British-built treatment centres where they will be working.

Staff nurse Hannah McReynolds, from Leicester, said: “As soon as I heard NHS staff were volunteering I didn’t hesitate to apply. I feel lucky to have been born into a society which has provided me with free education and healthcare. I feel I should give back.

“I feel privileged to have been selected to be part of this team. The support and team work is already evident. This is a global issue and I am proud of my colleagues who have volunteered and want to encourage others to do so.”

Greening said: “The British fight against Ebola in west Africa is already paying dividends.

“More than 600 treatment and safe isolation beds are now operational, thousands of healthcare workers have been trained, and the first of three new labs is up and running, significantly boosting the capacity of the country to test blood and swab samples.

“None of this would have been possible without the grit and determination of the military personnel, scientists, healthcare and aid workers from across the UK who have travelled to Sierra Leone to defeat this terrible disease.

“But to beat Ebola we must keep up the fight. That is why we are continuing to deploy teams of experienced and dedicated NHS doctors and nurses, who will provide essential care and treatment for the sick.”