Bulletproof Coffee Has Arrived in Dallas

Categories: Eat This

It definitely won't stop hot lead, but it could make you feel bulletproof.
You may have heard by now of bulletproof coffee, the coffee drink doctored up with as much as two tablespoons of butter that's gaining popularity for its purported health benefits. A bulletproof coffee in the morning will help you burn fat all day, they say. Bulletproof coffee will increase mental energy, they say. Bulletproof coffee will help you climb tall mountains, they say.

Whatever it is they're saying, the trend is growing and has finally made its way to Dallas by way of the Green Grocer. For $3 and some change, you can have your own bulletproof coffee made right in front of your eyes from locally roasted coffee beans. Think of what you could accomplish at the office.

See also: Learning to Embrace the Smoothies at Green Grocer So My Heart Doesn't Explode

The recipe is simple. A cup of drip coffee is dumped steaming into a blender, along with a squirt of coconut oil from a squeeze bottle and a small amount of butter churned from the milk of a grass-fed cow. A dash of cinnamon adds flavor and warm smiles, and the mixture is blended to a happy froth.

I'll leave the medical benefits to the dietary professionals, but in terms of taste and texture, the result is a coffee beverage with the viscosity of a glass of whole milk. It has a bubbly, frothy head, tastes like Christmas and leaves a film on your lips that's a lot like your favorite lip balm. It's delicious. I could easily see it becoming a part of everyone's morning routine, even if it won't help you solve calculus.

It's worth mentioning that if you don't want to spend so much on your morning java, Green Grocer has the locally roasted coffee, coconut oil and grass-fed cow butter you need to make your own bulletproof coffee. Grab your supplies, head home and make yourself a massive 32-ouncer. I'll bet when you're done you could climb Reunion Tower while solving the Goldbach conjecture in your head.

At least that's what they say.

Location Info


Green Grocer

3614 Greenville Ave., Dallas, TX

Category: General


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Sotiredofitall topcommenter

"The top scientist guiding the U.S. government’s nutrition recommendations made an admission last month that would surprise most Americans. Low-fat diets, Alice Lichtenstein said, are “probably not a good idea.” It was a rare public acknowledgment conceding the failure of the basic principle behind 35 years of official American nutrition advice."

"By the turn of the millennium, however, clinical trials funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) were showing that a low-fat regime neither improved our health nor slimmed our waistlines. "

whole article here - 


But don't find this coffee description particularly appetizing


Another high protein + fat food trend.  Atkins had it right. Carbs are bad.  Protein is good.


How many calories are in this cup o' joe?


extra butter in mine please. just throw the whole damn stick in.

everlastingphelps topcommenter

The whole thing is a fad scam.  The coffee is supposed to be special, but I think that any benefits are from the fat.  Coconut oil is fat.  Butter is fat and protein.  Frankly, far too many Americans (especially the kind who jump on health food fads) have far too little fat in their diets.

Your brain is made of fat and cholesterol.  The energy source that is easiest for your body to harvest for your brain is fat.  So, yeah, adding fat (while avoiding poisons like transfats) will likely give you a short term mental boost, because your brains is habitually starved for fat since you eat like a rabbit instead of an ape.


@luv2bpeaceful It's really neat how you make bland statements and provide nothing to back them up. Good job!


@everlastingphelps I understand what you are saying and agree but not sure that you explained why it's a fad scam because it seems like you agree with the whole concept. And if you do research you will find information about coffee beans infected with molds. This is also confirmed on some government websites. The mold is why you use that particular coffee bean.


@everlastingphelps Cool science, bro. Our brains can only use glucose as fuel unless it's being starved, in which case it'll use ketones produced by the liver. Fats don't traverse the blood-brain barrier. 


@username.neil Ok, how many dietary "calories" does this cup o' joe contain that will convert to a form which will be stored for future use, such as glycogen or fat?


@Twinwillow @ChrisYu Not sure if you are being serious but be careful that the lard is from pasture raised, grass fed animals because most lard is highly processed and contaminated with toxins. Do not use traditional lard.


@megadith @everlastingphelps Fats are metabolized into ketone bodies which cross the blood-brain barrier and fuel ~60% of brain cells, except for those that actually require glucose.  Google it, "bro".

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@megadith @everlastingphelps For energy, yes.  For neuron formation, no.  Otherwise dietary cholesterol wouldn't be a viable treatment for SLOS.  It's been observed in rats that you turn off their brain production of cholesterol, the brain grows vessels in response to harvest lipids from the blood to make up the difference.


@J_A_ @username.neil MCT's are not stored as fat. They are metabolized by the liver immediately and used by the brain for energy. Butter and Coconut Oil are MCT's. It is a common misconception that Butter is fattening when it's not. 


@username.neil @Twinwillow @ChrisYu  thanks but I prefer my lard from a plastic tub.


I mentioned ketones. I'd be interested to see a credible source that claims only 40% of the brain requires glucose. Or some support for the above claim that we are starving our brains of fat. Not being snarky and I have no problem with dietary fat, just curious where this info is coming from.


@ChrisYu  In that case I suppose I won't shed a tear when you develop a serious health condition as a result. lol
I just go to the farmers market and get grass fed fat and render myself. It's extremely easy, healthy, CHEAP and tastes great. Buy Tallow from beef or back fat from pigs. 

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@username.neil we all die, Ill enjoy my life however I want, if that means I eat lard from a tub or eat gmo food, or buy non grass fed beef, I will.  Dont cry for me, I cry for you though when you end up with the same diseases the rest of us get too.  


@Nvande73 @luv2bpeaceful @belizsera  By drinking bulletproof coffee, you are effectively replacing 1 of 3 nutritious meals with something that is low in essential nutrients. Also these fats recipes and should be used to cook with or to add flavor to dishes. They should be eaten with a meal, not as the meal.  There have been numerous reports of people having massive increases in cholesterol levels when drinking bulletproof coffee. This includes advanced risk factors like ApoB and LDL particle number


@ScottsMerkin @username.neil lol. Bleak. What's sad is the grass fed stuff tastes even better so what are you fighting against, really? You sound like a true Texan. Good luck with that.
You don't listen to science because 'MERICA!
Most lard is hydrogenated and there is science linking hydrogenated oils to obesity and heart related health problems. This you can research yourself easily if you were interested in facts or data but i suspect that's not a concern of yours. I could reference Harvard researchers but what do they know, right? lol

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@username.neil Im not a Texan, I just live here.  and non smokers wont ever get lung cancer.  Ive had grass fed beef, it great, so is non grass fed beef.  I bet you couldnt tell unless it told you on the menu.  


@ScottsMerkin @username.neil  I believe it was Bill Hicks that pointed out that Jim Fix is dead and Keith Richards is alive.  Twenty something years later Bill Hicks is also dead, but Keith Richards is still alive. 

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