Sustainable Otsego

Otsego 2000

Sign this petition to tell the Obama administration to enact an immediate national moratorium on high-volume, horizontal hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) while the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and independent scientific studies are completed on the impacts of fracking to the environment, climate and human health.

Signing this petition automatically sends an email calling for a moratorium on fracking to the U.S. EPA, Department of Energy and Bureau of Land Management.

This petition unites the voices of Americans who demand a moratorium on fracking until the risks to water and air quality, climate and human health can be be thoroughly evaluated, successfully mitigated or eliminated, or until it is determined that HVHF technology cannot be performed without unacceptable risk and is banned.


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Endorsing Organizations: Sustainable Otsego, Otsego 2000, Riverkeeper, Waterkeeper Alliance, Westchester for Change, NYH2O, Advocates for Morris, Mothers Against Drilling In Our Neighborhoods, Plymouth Friends of Clean Water, Dryden Resource Awareness Coalition, Putnam County Coalition to Preserve Open Space, Sullivan Area Citizens for Responsible Energy Development, The Great Lakes Sustainability Center, Learning Sustainability Campaign, GreenWatch, Croton Watershed Clean Water Coalition, GrassRoots EnErgy activist Network, Northeast Ohio Sierra Club, Grassroots Coalition for Environmental and Economic Justice, What the Frack?! Arapahoe, Ohio Network for the Chemically Injured, Middlefield Neighbors, Be the Change, Global Community Monitor, Andes Works!, Otsego Neighbors, Damascus Citizens for Sustainability, R-CAUSE (Rochesterians Concerned About Unsafe Shale-gas Extraction), The Earth First Initiative, Solidarity Committee of the Capital District, Commission on Peace and Justice of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany, What the Frack?! Arapahoe, Frack Free Genesee, Stand your ground nc w/ed harris against fracking

If your organization is interested in endorsing this petition, email Stefanie Spear at [email protected].

Visit EcoWatch’s FRACKING page for more related news on this topic.


Click here to tell Congress to Expedite Renewable Energy.